IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

Would you be so kind as to tell me a bit about it.
Is it one of those game saving sorta or community mods that gets everyone playing?
Is it focused around performance optimization? Multiplayer/networking?
Would you be so kind as to tell me a bit about it.
Is it one of those game saving sorta or community mods that gets everyone playing?
Is it focused around performance optimization? Multiplayer/networking?

Its not out yet, the main feature will be high alt performace fixes, but as to what other big things this patch will change I am not yet sure... Its a community made patch but apparently helped on by some of the fired devs.
Hate it personally. DM is significantly more primitive than old IL2 (never mind ROF/CLOD), FM is all over the place and also lacks even old IL2 features (pre-stall buffeting shudder for instance). Explosions and fire look very arcade.

And then the whole MMO thing- collect/buy XP to repair planes, "train" your crew... Horrible intrusive Call of Duty like GUI... Bleurghhh... hate it.
TF Patch is out (and its very good too):

Hi everyone,

The patch is finally ready. Below is just a snippet of changes found within the Team Fusion v1 3.00 release. An absolute incredible amount of work has been done in very short amount of time. We hope you enjoy it. This is the just the start of what we have planned for the future. There are very good times ahead.

Patch installation is very simple.

1. Verify integrity
2. Clear cache
3. Save INI **Your control and graphics config** eg - confuser.ini / conf.ini files somewhere
4. Install patch
5. ***Very Important*** Start up IL2COD until you get into the loading screen. This creates a new folder under Documents/1cSoftClub called IL2 Cliffs of Dover - Mod. The Mod folder is where you place your saved config files.
6. Copy ini files over again to main folder

Open the patch executable file (run as administrator) and point the mod to your IL2 Cliffs of Dover Folder generally located inside Program files (x86). Click OK and a status bar will show installation progress. Once complete you can close the installer.

The installer creates a separate folder under Documents/1cSoft named IL2 Cliffs of Dover - MOD. Please note you must move copy your controls and graphics configs (generally confuser.ini and conf.ini) from the Documents/1CSoft IL2 Cliffs of Dover folder to the MOD one as they do not have your saved configs.

Now you should be ready to fly!

Team Fusion v1 (3.00) download link:

Interactive Readme:

Enjoy! :salute:

All files are placed on MOD folders. Should you need to revert to the stock version, just replace the "parts\core\maddox.dll" with the original file.
You can find the original "maddox.dll" in the same folder with a name like "maddox.dll.ModInstallBackup_17-3-2013-22_1_28" where the numbers are the date and time of the install.
This is the only change needed to switch between versions.

Patch readme:

All Aircraft Reflections
* Added reflections from the sky and clouds to all aircraft surfaces (the effect depends on the weathering setting. 100% weathering=no effect, 0% weathering=brand new propaganda poster looking shiny aircraft. Set the weathering slider to your personal liking).
* Added reflections to canopy glass surfaces.
* Lowered the whitening effect from sun reflections in the propeller.
* Increased reflectiveness for distant glass surfaces (the effect seeks to simulate the real life phenomena of sun reflections in glass surfaces being very easy to spot at long distances).

All Cockpits
* Altimeter algorithm revised and more accurate on the new default setting of 1013mB.

Blenheim Cockpit
* Corrected compass markings.
* Decayed radium paint corrected back to 'as new.'
* Oxygen gauges now show 'contents.'
* Starboard throttle controls corrected to green.
* Heir file edited to remove old oxy gauge needle.

Hurricane Cockpit (All models)
* Replaced 37 gallon spitfire fuel gauge with 33 gallon hurricane fuel gauge.
* Corrected course setter ring cardinal point coloration.
* Added compass correction card to holder.
* Positioned oxygen gauge needles to simulate oxygen in the tank (gauge remains non functioning). [back to readme index]

JU87 Cockpit
* Corrected incorrect Kraftstoffrest label.

Bf110 Cockpit
* Corrected German "Prebluft-Druckbehalter" tooltip.
* Corrected incorrect “Bombenzunder” label.
* Corrected incorrect "drucken" label.
* Corrected incorrect Kuhlerklappen label.
* Corrected incorrect "Pumperprufung" label.
* Fixed Bf110 fuel switching mechanism.

Spitfire Cockpits
* This mod creates separate pits for 3 'classes' of Spitfires, MKI, MKIA and MKII.
* Changes have been made in the MKI/IA pits to better reflect the evolution of the Spitfire’s cockpit. through the Battle of Britain period. MKII is left 'standard' with the exception of corrections to compass markings.

Tiger Moth Cockpit
* 'Grey' needles now white.
* Instrument faces corrected to '40 era types.
* 'football team names' replaced with correct markings in T&S gauge.
* Compass markings corrected.

Stock Map Texture/Trees:
* Adjusted to more realistic colours (only England so far).
*Map environment set to Standard Day of 1013mB / 15 C at Sea Level.


Single player:
* Ju88's over Manston (Hurricane 100oct high altitude Ju88 bomber interception over Manston airfield).

Quick missions:
* QM 026 - A high altitude intercept quick mission.
9000m intercept of escorted 109 fighter bombers.

*QM 027 - High altitude dogfight (Bf109's v Hurricanes) at 21,000 ft (6,400m).

Summary of Major FM/EM changes between Stock And this TF MOD
-Altimeter model completely reworked; affects Ceilings and hi alt Vmax on all types.
-All German Radiator settings and temps reworked Max temp now 100C amd 95C on some types.
-5Min Rating is a real engine limit and sets the Overheat and Mechanical damage thresholds.
**CAUTION** Exceed the 5Min Rating at your Peril.
-All FM's extensively reworked.
-All aircraft performance and engines re worked.
-Merlin Rumbles Fixed
-Structural G Limits added (Ultimate Load only)
-JU88 Bomb Doors restored to Manual operation.
-JU88 prop now VP with increased Blade range to ensure enough Coarse control at 2100RPM
-JU88 Brakes corrected to standard OKL Toe brakes.
-Trim Change with Landing gear extension added to some types.
-BF110 Fuel Transfer system reworked.
-BF109E4N (C3/100Octane) introduced.
-HEIIIH/P Now Variable Pitch only
-Introduction of 100 Oct variants of DH 2 Pitch Spitfire and Hurricanes
-Hurricane Pitch bobble worked on but still not fully removed.
-Boost cutout switches Physical movement restored to 87 Octane Hurricanes and Spitfires.
-DH82 Engine Tweeks + Overheat routines (and correct IAS versus power)
-DH82 Slats locking IN or OUT no longer incremental.
-SU26 Engine Values now real World
-Everything is based on Standard Atmosphere base 1013 / 15C.

This is always the bogey man with flight sims. No attempt at balancing per se has been made. The intention was to achieve documented performance with each type. If this could not be achieved (due lack of Sim coding capability and or knowledge of that code) then the relative performance between comparative types was the goal. We won’t ever get it perfect. Ceilings are a case in point.

Huge amounts of work have been done here to eliminate or minimise the CLOD altitude bug. Varied methods have been used to achieve this (and the methodology will be kept to those that need to know) . In the end we set a baseline minimum altitude capability of 30,000ft/9133m for most single engine fighter types and this has been achieved. Some types (for you to find out) can fly a bit higher than this.

BF109E4N is now included. This is basically a 109E4 with DB601N running C3/100 octane fuel. It’s a suitable adversary to the Spit IIA.
Introduction of 100 octane variants of the Spit MKI and Hurricane MKI 2 pitch types.

We have implemented Structural G based on Ultimate load to all flyables. This does not take into account weight reduction due fuel and or a stores expenditure. At this stage blanket Ultimate load values of +10/-4 have been applied to all single engine fighter types. Heavy Fighters BF110 +8/-3. Exceed the ultimate load and you will lose a wing. Few if any types have sufficient elevator authority to exceed the negative G limit. No deformation due to minor over G occurs. At this stage it is beyond the game engine capability. Heavy/Medium level bombers (HEIII,BR20, +4/-2), Medium DB (JU88)Blenheim IV , +6/-3, JU87B +10/-4 Values not added to AI types until we are sure of their reaction. You may decide that a specific Key binding is required for the bombers to set up their elevator pitch sensitivity to minimise the risk of Overstress. These were big aeroplanes with significantly higher stick forces than the fighter types.

This has been corrected so that a nose down trim change will occur with flap deployment. It is most noticeable in the Spitfire with its simple two position flap system. It is barely noticeable in BF110. IRL the BF110 had a fairly strong natural tendency to pitch up with flap selection, this was countered by a mechanical interconnection with stab that moved automatically to compensate the trim change. This mechanism is not modelled in CLOD. We have represented this by a very slight up trim change with flap selection.

Most aircraft types with longitudinally operating landing gear (Blenheim,HEIII,BF110,BR20,JU88 etc) experienced some trim changes with Landing gear extension. There are two reasons for this C of G change and a raising and or lowering of the drag line. These 2 factors generally operate against each other, however the C of G change tends to dominate. In those types with longitudinally operating landing we have incorporated a Nose UP trim change with gear extension, and vice versa.

-All maps now start at Standard ISA conditions 1013mb/760mm/15C
-Propeller icing removed so in-cloud flight possible
-Default Wind now zero (previously a hidden wind was present).

Altitude (M) V Temp (C)
0............. 15C
1000......... 8.49
2000......... 2.01
3000......... 4.47
4000......... 11.0
5000........ -17.58
6000....... -24.18
7000...... -30.75
8000....... -37.21
9000....... -43.5
10000...... -49.35

All Flyable aircraft altimeters are now set to an initial or default Sub scale (QNH) setting of 1013mb or 760mm. Given the new standard map sea level pressure you shouldn't have to adjust the altimeter setting. Full ability to vary the setting is unchanged. So if you like to fly on QFE you can do so. Altimetry routines have been extensively re written. This has affected all aircraft ceilings and Vmax at altitudes from those achieved in the stock game. Cockpit Altimeter and No cockpit altimeter should now be in close agreement. RAF Altimeter minimum subscale setting is now 940mb. In addition a conversion factor related bug between Metres and feet in Wonder Woman view has been corrected.

100 OCTANE and C3
100 octane versions of the Spit I DH 2 pitch and Hurricane DH 2 pitch have been introduced. The 87 Octane 2 pitch aircraft versions are still available. Having 100 Oct versions available to all RAF types accurately reflects the situation in BOB. In addition C3 100 Octane BF109E4N is in this release.

Basically the Cooling capability is defined by being able to run for 5 minutes at the 5 min rating at Full throttle Height (FTH) with Rads Fully open at Climb IAS. This represents the worst possible scenario of max engine heat output with minimum cooling due to lower mass flow (Density and climb IAS). Increased altitude does provide some beneficial cooling but the effects of lower mass flow dominates. In the end the rationale is if the system can achieve the 5Min Rating in this scenario it will handle most other (less limiting) scenarios such as high speed Vmax runs (Though at FTH this is only just at any other altitude no issues) or sustained operation at lower levels with lower RAD settings. You should be able to push things a little harder in the lower altitudes than previously.

In addition we have also utilised some additional tweaks to alter the temperature rise profile. This results in much better and consistent rise of coolant temperatures. This can now be used as a reliable indication of just how far you can push it. However, remember the other limits like time for a given power setting etc. Stay inside the limits and you will be safe. The single most dominant factors in the TF Overheat module are radiator position and Mass Flow. For a given radiator position mass Flow is the MOST IMPORTANT factor. Mass flow is a function of Altitude and IAS. In very basic terms low Altitude is best, High IAS is best. High Altitude and low IAS is the worst combination. Sustained max turn performance fighting is very demanding cooling wise. On the other hand straight lines and high speed are the least taxing of flight regimes on the cooling system. Intelligent "management" of your cooling system will reward you with the best performance.... get slack with it and you will get burnt or get sub optimal performance for your tardiness.

FMs are not perfect and never will be. BF109 Spin Departure characteristics are now gentler. It will still flick but immediate relaxation of back pressure will prevent departure. You will notice more attention to prop pitch is required. Prop pitch blade angle rates are adjusted to documented figures. Auto setting works but is not quite as good as manual. You will achieve slightly better performance with manual.

Prop pitch on the HEIIIH/P and JU88 were previously Hybrid Constant Speed systems that were very loose. Historical data indicates that the HEIIIH and P had straight out Variable Pitch (VP) props. These have now become the standard prop for these two aircraft. Directionally the mechanisation is the same as the BF109 and BF110. The JU88 is a special case. Documents indicate that the JU88A1 had a special limiter mode that limited RPM to 2350 and was designed for Take Off and Dive deliveries but it was not a conventional Constant Speed system. In other Flight regimes a Manual mode was selected and then the prop system was a standard VP system. At this stage it is not possible to model the Limiter Mode accurately. In RC4/RC5/RC6 after extensive rework the JU88 is now also a straight out VP system. There were some issues at altitude with the JU88 and getting the pitch coarse enough to hold 2100RPM at 5000m. This had been addressed in RC6 and should no longer be an issue. Directionally the new JU88 VP, HEIIIH/P VP system is the same as the BF109. The only odd man out in the German side of the house is the JU87. Its CSP system is directionally the same as the RAF types. Because of these variations it may be better to have dedicated Key binding Files for the JU87. You can copy Key bindings and save to a specific name and chop and change these even in mid-flight. A simple way is to have a Master key binding file. Then use this as the basis to make alterations required by individual types. Save the new file with the types name.

* Disabled the mirror rendering. It was discovered that, besides looking to a side instead of back, it was the cause of some game crashes. An attempt will be made in the future to correct it.
* Server no longer gives 'murder' messages with kills.
* AI Pilot and aircrew head movement restored.
* Additional crew animations restored.
* Gun Convergence issue where labels in the setup were reversed now fixed.

* Added British flower class Corvette.
* Added Hospital ship.
* Additional cargo ships skins.

* Accurate high quality uniforms.
* High quality faces.
* Removed the enforced weathering on all marks of Spitfire, Hurricane and bf109.

Please note that the QM weathering slider is slightly bugged: 0% weathering does not work, so choose any value above that and you will be fine.


We would like to express a heartfelt thank you to all of you who kindly donate to help us maintain our server & forums every month. Without this type of dedication and support we would not be in the position we are now.
And to all of our guests, who visit our server and forums, it’s you that make ATAG what we are & we are very proud to be at the heart of the community.

Thank you to all the talented community modders, who within hours of hearing about our announcement on various forums, rushed through the doors offering their skills to help keep the simulation alive. Your energy & enthusiasm to make this project a success is incredible!

A big thank you to the original IL-2 Sturmovik development team. Your work over the years has been a legacy, given us hours of fun, and allowed us to have a taste of what it was like to fly classic war-planes. It has also brought together a dedicated & passionate community of aviators & enthusiasts which could get pretty crazy at times but it’s been one hell of a ride!

Oleg & Luthier, there is always a place for you guys here, amongst your fellow flight simmers. Hopefully we’ll meet again sometime soon, but until then, all the best with your endevours and talking about flight simmers…

This one is for you!
I just have to post an update on this.

CloD is finally playable. The last few days I have put in more hours than the last year. It's breathtaking at times.

The key improvements for me have been improved loading times and no more stutters or lock ups. Just a smooth gaming experience.

These were major issues that the official devs could not fix. They make the game finally flyable.

Thats before even considering the visual and technical improvements.

It's so good I actually took the time to fix my newview installation and hop online for a few hours, which is nicely populated thanks to Team Fusion.

There's life in the old dog yet. Don't write it off like i almost did! :D

This is coming from a il2fb player with thousands of hours! Who waited for ever so many years to get his mits on CloD!
The key improvements for me have been improved loading times and no more stutters or lock ups. Just a smooth gaming experience.

Thats before even considering the visual and technical improvements.

What graphics settings do you use with your 6850? Using a 6870 and I get a fair amount of stuttering using the TF patch and 13.3 Beta driver.
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