Im becoming a freak!



4 Aug 2005
Recently Iv been getting more and more into 'older' cars. Its weird, theres lots of modern cars that Id like, but theres so many more 'classic' cars that I keep seeing and just dreaming at the possibility of owning one. Roded ford popular, Triumph GT6, Datsun 'Z' cars, big engined chevettes, any huge american beast etc etc.
They just look like they have honest to god engineering, nuts and bolts an engine and some windows. None of this 'Ecu' crap and cars that if you tried working on them youd get every warning light from under the sun beeping and buzzing and computers telliing you that your a tool. They may not be the best drive, but I love em!
Yeah, I know what you mean. American muscle and also old-school mercs are my faves. :D

I still want a BMW 330d for every day use tho!
Mic said:
Ah yea, i mean I wouldnt like to be driving a Rod in traffic everyday lol.
What? Bttt. Tch. Ss. How old are you? I've managed with hot oldschoolers for the entire 9 years of my driving life. Give yourself a slap for saying that. In the face!

I had my dad's hotrod for a bit and that's got 330hp, almost no flywheel and a race clutch. It's perfectly manageable in traffic. When you drive a rod you aren't sitting there going 'jesus this traffic is crap, I'm so bored, I'm tired etc etc.' You're sitting in there with your V8 rumbling away with your arm hanging out the window. Even when it's raining. You get bored, you mash the throttle and the beast breathes out some noise, people around you get erections and ask you to do it again, women smile, thumbs go up. You trash a couple of japmobiles off the lights, you do an impromptu burnout. Life could not be more fun than driving a hotrod :D
Jonny69 said:
What? Bttt. Tch. Ss. How old are you? I've managed with hot oldschoolers for the entire 9 years of my driving life. Give yourself a slap for saying that. In the face!

I had my dad's hotrod for a bit and that's got 330hp, almost no flywheel and a race clutch. It's perfectly manageable in traffic. When you drive a rod you aren't sitting there going 'jesus this traffic is crap, I'm so bored, I'm tired etc etc.' You're sitting in there with your V8 rumbling away with your arm hanging out the window. Even when it's raining. You get bored, you mash the throttle and the beast breathes out some noise, people around you get erections and ask you to do it again, women smile, thumbs go up. You trash a couple of japmobiles off the lights, you do an impromptu burnout. Life could not be more fun than driving a hotrod :D
*slaps face*
Im only 18 lol (SHOCK HORROR :eek: )
But driving my dads anglia(sit up and beg, not the one you got) was not the most fun experience in traffic( completely stock though) Bloody tight fit in there with the steering.Im sure though if I roded the Popular i could suit it to my needs:D
I'm an 'Olds 442', 'GTO', or even 'SS' Man if I could find one!... and had my own personal Petrol Pump and Shares in BP or summut...

Love American Muscle... Georgious Sound!!!...

Thing is I'm 32 so I'm a little closer to 'Old Fartdom' than you!... :)
Ok, but don't forget a Pop is quite small inside compared to most other cars and if you have a 16" steering wheel it can feel a little cramped. When you rod it you can stick it in your lap, move the seats right back, use some cool 60's buckets and sort stuff like the brakes and clutch which are quite hard work on those old ones.
Simian said:
Thing is I'm 32 so I'm a little closer to 'Old Fartdom' than you!... :)
Slap yourself as well. In the face. You're still young so enjoy it while you can, the last thing you want is to turn 50 and have to say 'I really wish I'd...'
I know, the thing is TINY!!!!
Hell of a lot of work though to get it to where I want :/
But im up for it.
Jonny69 said:
What do you actually want to do with it?
Style wise


Technical side, id be happy with an updated car, no 7 litre lump for me. Probably using a Sierra for enginem brakes, shocks gearbox etc. What will fit, not sure
Ok, here's what I would do then. Use the beam front axle for pure simplicity and convert it to use Escort mk1/2 or Capri disks. It's literally as simple as making up a plate to mount the caliper and the hubs bolt on using pop wheel bearings instead of the Escort/Capri ones. It's a Pop so you won't get much handling out of a body that narrow, but using disks will increase the width by about 4" in total. All the steering geometry will be correct. At the back use an Anglia 105E axle which will now be the same width as the front and you have the choice of any wheel that fits a Ford stud pattern. Stick with leaf springs, but get them remade with more leaves and decambered so the car sits lower. Shocks you can either convert to use telescopic or get the lever-arms uprated by Leda.

You will need wider arches and these are available dirt cheap in fibreglass up to 4" wider per side.

Engine and box can come straight from a Sierra, either carbs or injection, you will be able to get up to 200hp realistically from a Pinto which will be VERY quick in a Pop that only weighs about 700Kg. A Pop sidevalve engine, 105E pre-crossflow, Pinto, crossflow and Zetec are all completely interchangeable on the same gearbox so you have a plethora of motors to play with if you change your mind! You will have to modify the gearbox tunnel but you can buy these off the shelf for the 105E and it will also fit the Pop.
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/bows the **** down
Man you are a legend!
How much works involved in gettin the engine in then?
Well not much really. Escort mounts are as simple as anything and they fit the pinto so it's just a matter of modifying the front crossmember which is quite easy to do with some steel and a welder. The centre of the engine is roughly the same so you can either mount it in the same place or set it back slightly when you weld the crossmember. You need to modify the gearbox crossmember so that it hooks up with the mount on the Sierra box. You can use a Sierra geabox mount so either make something up from new steel or weld the center part of the Sierra crossmember into the Pop one. You will need to get a new propshaft made up and there are loads of places that do this or you can get a 105E prop shortened. I did this on my 100E when I put a crossflow in it, the gearbox was about 9" longer than the standard 100E box so I got my local prop place to shorten my prop by the amount I needed.

The only other things it will need is a bigger radiator possibly, but the Pop one is massive to deal with the rubbish cooling on the sidevalve and you will need a pedal box out an Escort, Capri or Anglia for the juice brakes. The Pop has cable brakes as standard. If you use an Anglia bellhousing and you can retain a hydraulic clutch.
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You sir are an absolute legend. I'll be learning to weld properly soon enough (wont be doing any critical welds, but ill do minor welds myself). After that, it all begins.
You make it sound so easy lol. Im in for some gruelling times! (and i cant wait)
Ill copy everything you just said incase the thread gets prooned.
Glad to be of assistance! It is actually quite easy. The difficult bit is repairing all the rust and trying to make something up that looks about right because it's completely rusted away, but yours is a Pop and doesn't suffer from all that like mine does :(

If I can give you one piece of advice it is to keep it simple. Don't gut the car with the intentions of making the ultimate Pop, V8, narrowed axle, full cage, rolled aluminium interior etc. It will take too long and cost too much. Stuff like the brakes you can do over a couple of weekends for next to nothing. Measure it up, make some cardboard templates, get your local engineering firm to cut them out from 10mm steel for you and fit it.
haha lol, i wouldnt dream of going all out on her. Not at my age. Thanks for all the advice, Ill sure ill need some more in future(signed up the NSRA forum you gave me, been looking around)
Ill set myself out a plan and get things started (giddy like a school girl me)

My dads anglia is rust free and so is the pop, even though its go a couple big dings. Shes been sitting in a shed for a while!
Cool! What username are you using on NSRA? Try and ignore all the arguing on that forum sometimes they are like a bunch of old ladys but with beards.

Have you been to ? There's a page called young blood which is all lads like you and me (a couple of year back) who have projects on the go. Kind of like a garage scene thing.
Im down as chimpz i think. Started a thread in the 'popular front'. Came across as an other git newbie. Got some good suggestions but I think I came across as too ambishish(sp?).
I wasnt really wanting a stripped out beast lol.
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