I'm DarkShadow. And This is my story.

Good lifts mate!

I used to suffer a lot with tendonitis in my biceps.

In the end I figured out it was my squat grip that was causing it.

I changed to a much wider grip, literally to the end of the bar.

Never had any problems ever again.
Good lifts mate!

I used to suffer a lot with tendonitis in my biceps.

In the end I figured out it was my squat grip that was causing it.

I changed to a much wider grip, literally to the end of the bar.

Never had any problems ever again.

That's probably something like shoulder rotational issues rather than the grip specifically. had you worked on your internal/external rotation you'd of had a similar effect I would have thought :)
Lots of things were tried.

Trust me it was 100% caused by my squat grip.
I can believe that. For me, low bar squat increased pain. I now generally squat thumbless.

I've completely removed upper body work and deadlifts. I believe it's starting to bring on RSI too as my day job involves a lot of typing.

My squats are looking and feeling a lot better as of late.

My confidence is starting to grow and that's been my real bottleneck with 4 knee surgeries in mind.
I saw a consultant from wrist and arm trauma. I was sent for an x-ray and he believes it's possibly carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow and perhaps some inflammation around the ulnar.

I'm just just about getting by and I'm finding training quite frustrating as I cannot use my arms or wrists.

I'm going to be referred for some nerve conduction tests. I guess the only thing I can put this to is the knee surgeries over the years and pushing hard upper body. Pairing that up with my job, the tendons have flared up and gotten out of control :(

Leg day... errr'rday? :D
Just an update. Leg days went well until I did some serious 14 hour hikes. I had some severe knee inflammation around December. Then I had my first back injury in since I started training - 8 years ago. It was a strain on 5th rep of 190KG high deficits (4" platform). I just fell soft on the last rep and it was 7am and very very cold. I've had a few recurrences (one at 170KG squat) and it got worse until I got serious sciatic irritation.

I was so close to peaking and beating all my previous records :(

I've been to see another 2 physios and I've spent a lot of money. Still none the wiser on the tendinosis issue. I am finding a few improvements from working on the triceps and supination. And I have an MRI booked for the neck, potential can be referred pain from the C6.

I'm still training and going to see someone new. Everything has been sucky for a while but there is light at end of the tunnel.

Checking in at 163lb.

I went to see someone that specialising in sports injuries/deep tissue work yesterday and the dude actually made me cry. I kid you not. All these years of pounding away, I actually had lumps of tissue everywhere. Despite staying on top rolling/lacrosse ball - it evidently was not enough.

He thinks I have a bulged disc :(

I'm in a lot of pain right now. I'm just going to try to stay afloat on top of these injuries as that's almost most major movements out for me.
Update: Finally got an MRI and urgh :(


It's now been 8 months. I've built up to 90KG speed sumo's but I'm not quite sure how to progress from here. I've seen some real shoddy physio's - none that are able to to get me where I want to go.
Ah that sucks dude

Maybe got to look at other avenues of training?
Calisthenics is my best option but having had a really bad episode of tendonosis of elbow pain - I'm just about healing from it 20 months on. Right now, I'm doing upper/lower split to keep greasing the groove but mostly split around rehab work.
I bet you're still in better condition than most of SA...That sucks bro but you've come through plenty so I'm sure you'll work around this as well :)
Having previously seen injuries as an opportunity to try something else to come back stronger, I'm really not seeing anything here. It sucks. And it sucks a lot.

I'm struggling to hold my 3 month old baby. The pain cycle is non-stop and it's affecting my life. I've been diligent and incredibly proactive. Small niggles have turned into chronic pain, referring pain to other areas.

Here's a timeline of things:

Both of my arms have had problems for now close to 2 years. And as my most researched issue, I've seen 5 therapists, 3 'experts' and made 0 progress. I've been misdiagnosed for 20 of those months. 2 months ago, the trauma specialist was ready to discharge me. After demanding a second opinion, a senior consultant joined us and absolutely lost it at the consultant. He had misdiagnosed me after having told me to have a pointless operation or deal with it. The senior consultant raised my arm above my ahead and confirmed my suspicion. My pulse rapidly decreased losing all blood. I was sent for another MRI.

Sciatic and back problems have been going on for 10 months. I've seen 4 therapists and made no progress. A referral to Pain clinic is in Dec.

I'm sick of constantly being passed around. I've spent over a thousand in therapies and that's not any better than the NHS.

I can't train the upper body and I cannot train the lower body either. I've exhausted every damn option. I've read a tonne of research papers/books and watched even more videos/experiences. I've been in contact with a lot of competative lifters and it's really starting to look bleak. I've been extremely conservative with training and I just can't find anyone to help me. It looks like I'm actually going to have to have to pack it in for good :(

Quite a depressing entry, I feel devastated and so disappointed. I never hit anywhere near my potential since I started being conservative 5 years ago.

I'm seeing the director of another rehab clinic in Sheffield today. Man, I really hope I can break this cycle and attain pain-free status some day.
That sucks man :(

Just got to keep plugging away, don't take no for an answer and keep talking to different people.

Makes me back pain seem like nothing...Like you though it appears to have got progressively worse as of late and trying to get someone to actually listen is hard apparently.
I have found - over the past two years of repeated injury (first shoulder, then hip, now elbow) that - beyond a certain point - rest is essential: the only thing that really worked was doing nothing (mobility and very light eccentric work aside).

It sucks massively, but...
Having met the therapist last night, he couldn't believe my story.

He went back to textbook assesments in movement patterns. I'm incredibly dominant in my left leg but I never quite noticed how much until he showed me how rigid and lopsided I am when I walk. Also when I'm seated (which is a lot), I sit into the left corner. He believes this is what was responsible under load and it's what's responsible in making the stenosis/sciatic symptoms constant. On the drive home, I decided to over compensate and shift my body more to the right and boom - I cannot describe how uncomfortable I felt (to the extent where breathing felt difficult). I feel we might be onto something.

In regards to the arm, he feels it's shoulders/traps - although he didn't put a name to it; thoracic outlet syndrome.

Over the coming weeks - my plan of action is to do the following:

  • Rotation in the trunk. Movements in the form of exaggerated shadow boxing/light cable loaded wood choppers, single arm cable row.
  • Walk around with more swag/rotation.
  • Be mindful of the right side when walking/using stairs/sitting.
  • Empty bar squats with emphasis on right lean.
  • SL and convential KB Deadlifts. More volume/mindfulness on the right side.

For the arm:
  • Be mindful of dropping shoulders. Shrug a little up at all times.
  • Alleviate pain/remove weight whilst sleeping by placing arm on 2 pillows.
  • Get the mrs to work around the girdle and loosen up the area.
I have found - over the past two years of repeated injury (first shoulder, then hip, now elbow) that - beyond a certain point - rest is essential: the only thing that really worked was doing nothing (mobility and very light eccentric work aside).

It sucks massively, but...
This I agree with in addition to poking and prodding (deep tissue massages). They started to make matters worse. I took off 4 complete weeks from the bar recently and did a lot of walking at hajj.

Returning back to seated job/driving and back into the gym - I made no progress moving forward.
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A rollercoaster of a log here @DarkShadow

Good to see you have a plan and support in place :)
Thanks but I must admit it's starting to waver.

I visit hand/arm trauma specialist this morning regarding my MRI in August. Good news, it came back with nothing. Bad news, still have no idea. He tried a pronator teres syndrome test and it tested positive but that's nothing new. In his words "We can either leave it or operate on it."

Operate on what exactly?!

Being referred for another dose of physio.

On the back front - the pain has now travelled up near the scapula region which is making deep breathes difficult. I tried to run a little last week and it was incredibly depressing. Feel somewhat broken.
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