"I'm gonna knock you out!" ...but not

6 May 2009
Why do guys shout this rubbish with no intention of it?

There were two guys yesterday and one was shouting at someone who was with his girlfriend at the top of his voice "I'm gonna knock you out" blablabla at around 2am. Wasnt sure what happend before, I was asleep.

I then stuck my head out the window to see what was going on.

Man with GF approaches and the two guys (one who was shouting) backed away. The same guy then started shouting again at the top of his voice, stood in the middle of the road looking like he had 2 invisible carpets under each arm.
He must have weighed all of about 10 stone so laughed and went back to bed

I've never been one to shout false threats, or shout at all really and dont see the point. Is it just to come across to his friend as being tough, but then why back off when opponent approaches instead of knocking him out?
I have been in a couple of street fights years ago, both I didnt pre warn them about attempting to fight back, just did.

Seems a bit silly to have a loud bark but no bite
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Potential threat seem to be man with GF walking home. Guess he could have been as didnt know what happened before
Drunk men can see threats randomly everywhere. Drunk men can also make threats randomly everywhere.
You’ve had a couple of rucks in the street, surely this isn’t new information to you??
Drunk men can see threats randomly everywhere. Drunk men can also make threats randomly everywhere.
You’ve had a couple of rucks in the street, surely this isn’t new information to you??
No new information, just never understood the daft shouting approach.
I have been witness to a man mouthing off at someone else in a takeaway for a good 5 minutes. In the end he was knocked out by the other guy who stood there calm waiting for his takeaway, only to turn around and flatten him. He then went back to waiting for his takeaway. Everyone in the takeaway cheered. His angry loud noises just appeared to annoy the guy waiting quietly
Normal behaviour in the animal kingdom to deter a threat, make lots of noise and we are just animals after all. Add alcohol into the mix and some humans see everything as a threat.
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Loud bark is to scare away threats, pretend to be a threat.
I'd be a lot more scared of stone cold silent types.
Have you grown up in a bubble :p
This was basically my life from 17 to 21 watching idiots "fight" each other in various parts of Romford after drinking too much shandy.
The classic what you looking at? Wait for the first person to look round and accidentally make eye contact :p.
My names Terry and I'm a law-abider
There's nothing I like more than getting fired up on beer
And when the weekend's here
I exercise my right to get paralytic and fight
Good bloke, fairly
But I get well lairy when geezers look at me funny
Bounce 'em 'round like bunnies
I'm likely to cause mischief
Good clean grief, you must believe, and I ain't no thief
Law-abiding and all, all legal
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