Most the fat heeds roaring threats are more like the mess in the yellow coat!!
Most the fat heeds roaring threats are more like the mess in the yellow coat!!
it needs to have the sound :{
Their mums probably said so:Why do guys shout this rubbish with no intention of it?
There were two guys yesterday and one was shouting at someone who was with his girlfriend at the top of his voice "I'm gonna knock you out" blablabla at around 2am. Wasnt sure what happend before, I was asleep.
I then stuck my head out the window to see what was going on.
Man with GF approaches and the two guys (one who was shouting) backed away. The same guy then started shouting again at the top of his voice, stood in the middle of the road looking like he had 2 invisible carpets under each arm.
He must have weighed all of about 10 stone so laughed and went back to bed
I've never been one to shout false threats, or shout at all really and dont see the point. Is it just to come across to his friend as being tough, but then why back off when opponent approaches instead of knocking him out?
I have been in a couple of street fights years ago, both I didnt pre warn them about attempting to fight back, just did.
Seems a bit silly to have a loud bark but no bite
Nope - redacted.It's not about 'warning people' you're going to attack them, it's about avoiding a potential fight by pretending to be a more dangerous opponent than you actually are to deter them from engaging in a physical altercation. I've considered doing it myself in hypothetical situations like a home invasion where I want to scare off the intruder; probably they will be better at fighting than me but if I'm loud and puff myself up whilst they are out of range I figure they are more likely to scarper than if I creep up on them.
It's from the animal kingdom but let's not forget that a lot of logical approaches are founded in nature. Playing dead is another one, under attack from a much more powerful opponent (gunman) you might choose to do this in the hope that they overlook you.