"I'm gonna knock you out!" ...but not

Absolutely this. If you're going to attack someone, why would you give them a a warning first, makes no sense :confused:

Most of these huffy puffy types don't even realise they're in a fight until it's too late.

I was about to say nearly all these people shouting like this are just venting frustration, the ones that march up to you with a really ****** off look but stay silent are the ones you want to watch.
My names Terry and I'm a law-abider
There's nothing I like more than getting fired up on beer
And when the weekend's here
I exercise my right to get paralytic and fight
Good bloke, fairly
But I get well lairy when geezers look at me funny
Bounce 'em 'round like bunnies
I'm likely to cause mischief
Good clean grief, you must believe, and I ain't no thief
Law-abiding and all, all legal
Just terrible isnt it.
When I lived in Birmingham, the drug dealer family across the street used a hammer to someone's head. That was pleasant. Then when we moved into another house further up the same street (about 30 seconds walk), we had someone bust into our house with pistols demanding to know where one of the Asian dudes that lived with us was. They stole my subwoofer and some other stuff as well. Such a nice street lol.

Side note... when I went to uni I was 9.5 stone to start with. I then ate and ate and ate lol. (I'm currently 15 stone lol). Are you sure you aren't speaking historically and you maybe saw me doing impressions in the street? :-P
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Heard some woman outside my place on the phone last week,

She was calling the police, had some guy in her car and mentioned "they were beating him to death and only stopped because I came along"

I guess it takes 2v1 before they will fight.

if you were going to hit someone you would do the cowardly sucker punch look at me I'm a big man move anyway
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if you were going to hit someone you would do the cowardly sucker punch look at me I'm a big man move anyway

Lol, "cowardly". Spoken like someone who's never been in a proper fight. I'm not talking some pride and prejudice novel honourable bull**** with fisticuffs at dawn, and afterwards everyone pats each other on the back like gentlemen. You do what it takes to make sure you're the one walking away, and if that means fighting dirty then so be it.

Of course if it ends up getting to the point you're having to exchange blows then you've already failed, but one of the few useful things my dad taught me - don't ever start a fight, but if you find yourself in one, make sure you're the one that finishes it.
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Of course if it ends up getting to the point you're having to exchange blows then you've already failed, but one of the few useful things my dad taught me - don't ever start a fight, but if you find yourself in one, make sure you're the one that finishes it.
cool parenting story bro
Thanks, I thought so too, glad you appreciated it :)
if your going to be the one that finishes then by your own admission your also the one that starts it with a sucker punch.

seems like a cowardly knuckle draggers logic when they enter an argument but run out of words
You know you're in a dodgy area when you see a dog running down the road with a severed human head in its mouth :)

Shouting at someone is just the start of degentrification.

There were two guys yesterday and one was shouting at someone who was with his girlfriend at the top of his voice "I'm gonna knock you out" blablabla at around 2am. Wasnt sure what happend before, I was asleep.

Perhaps it was @norm and he found out the other guy was a customer service rep? :p
Why do guys shout this rubbish with no intention of it?

Puffer fish. It's the "I'm scary, back off!" thing.

Someone I know did it in a situation where it made sense. They'd encountered a loose bull while out walking in the countryside and decided that their least bad option was to fool the bull into backing off due to being uncertain about how much of a threat they posed to the bull. Most animals will do an instinctive risk/benefit assessment before fighting. The bull had no significant reason for fighting over a bit of of path they'd wandered onto, so the person making the bull not completely sure they could win without any risk was successful in causing the bull to stand down and go back into the field they'd come from. The bull couldn't have understood what the person was saying, but they could have understood that the person was showing a willingness to fight the bull over that bit of path and was showing confidence that they could easily defeat the bull. Bulls are none too bright, so it was fooled.

Maybe the person you heard was assuming that the person they were threatening was as unintelligent as a bull. Maybe they were right.
Lol, "cowardly". Spoken like someone who's never been in a proper fight. I'm not talking some pride and prejudice novel honourable bull**** with fisticuffs at dawn, and afterwards everyone pats each other on the back like gentlemen. You do what it takes to make sure you're the one walking away, and if that means fighting dirty then so be it.

Of course if it ends up getting to the point you're having to exchange blows then you've already failed, but one of the few useful things my dad taught me - don't ever start a fight, but if you find yourself in one, make sure you're the one that finishes it.
So you are defending sucker punching people. Well we found our forum coward.
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