Do people actually want the theme restrictions? One of the biggest reasons I never entered is I don't want to be constrained by whatever theme happens to be going on that month.
Themes distract from the artistic nature of photography. An (amateur) photographer should photograph subjects that they have a meaningful connection with, that they have feelings about and care for that they want expressed in their art. If you are forced to photograph something that you have no interest in then you loose that emotional connection and everything comes down to technical merit (theme relevance is a technical measure).
Secondly, one competition a month is a lot for anyone who has a full time job. That leaves a few weekends really for which other plans may have been made. At this time of year you have no time to capture natural lighting when most of us are stuck in an office Monday to Friday. I think 4 competitions in the year are plenty, winter, spring summer and autumn.
Secondly, one competition a month is a lot for anyone who has a full time job. That leaves a few weekends really for which other plans may have been made. At this time of year you have no time to capture natural lighting when most of us are stuck in an office Monday to Friday. I think 4 competitions in the year are plenty, winter, spring summer and autumn.
Disagree totally.
Themes offer a perspective by which each photo should be judged, a common goal for everyone and more importantly each entry will be a different perspective or interpretation of the same idea.
Without one its just random shots of anything that don't relate to anything, we already have that in the 'post your pictures thread' and simply replicating in comp form would be utterly pointless.
How are we supposed to judge one of Ray's wedding shots, mrk's urban shots, your landscapes and a still life thingy from me against each other if they are all in the same pool with context by which to judge them?
Also once a month a nice round number and keeps things moving, 4 times a years seems too long and will lose the interest of anyone involved. Who's going to submit an entry in January if it wont be judged until the end of March? Nobody.
Also we all lead busy lives, I generally work 55-60hrs p/w, have a wife and a 6yr old daughter to keep happy while attending 3 kick boxing classes per week as well.
Yet I still find the time most weeks for some photography, not massive amounts and mostly its just going for a walk but the camera comes with me at least. A comp would give me something to focus on rather than just going for a walk in a nice place.
I rarely entered previous comps due to the themes as I pretty exclusively shoot landscapes. So from a purely selfish point of view I'd like theme-less.
Something as simple as a voting poll with 'pick your favourite picture' and points awarded by rank would be fine with me. Would keep it streamlined and easy to mdoerate too.
Expect others will disagree though.
Besides which, the fundamental problem with the previous competition was people never had the time to submit by the deadlines and furthermore the judging was a large time commitment to give thoughtful feedback. Reducing the frequency of competitions will increase the quality of submissions and the feedback by the judges, reduce stress and make the competitions more enjoyable for everyone.
Good for you but that isn't everyone. At this time of year it is just physically impossible due to the length of day
One of the worst things you can do in many forms of photography is rush things to get it done by a deadline. That goes completely against the mantra that many subscribe to.
The all new and improved OcUK Photo Comp - Season 1: Round 1 - "Landscapes" DISCUSSION
Theme: Landscapes
Chosen by: Phate
Closing date: Midnight Thursday February 28th 2013
Please post all discussion for the current competition in this thread and keep entries in the ENTRIES thread.
DO NOT post any entries in this thread!
Judges: To judge you must enter.
This competition is open to everyone.
Rules must be followed. Failure to follow one or more rules will result in disqualification for the current round.
* One image per entrant (may be a montage consisting of two or more photos).
* If a montage is entered, all photos in the image will be judged on their relevance to each other as well as the theme.
* Photos must be posted in or linked to this thread for consideration.
* Photos must not exceed the image size rule. (Longest side of 1280px recommended)
* Photos must be submitted in the .jpg file format.
* Photos must have been taken on or after February 1st, 2013. Invalid EXIF dates must be declared.
* Photos must be available for viewing in this thread until the competition winner has been announced.
* Photos must be your own work unless posting on behalf of someone else. If this is the case it should be stated in your post.
* Photographers must post their make and model unless it is provided in the EXIF Information.
* Photographers retain full copyright to their entries, so you must contact them before using their entries.
* The winner of each round will choose the theme for the next round.
Each image can receive upto 30 points, 10 points per category. Each category will be weighted individually.
* Technical ( 1 - 10 )
* Theme Relevance ( 1 - 10 )
* Impact ( 1 - 10 )
While each category is self explanatory, here are some rough examples for each one.
Technical: Is the photo in focus? has the rule of thirds been applied?
Theme Relevance: If the theme is Landscapes and you post a macro photo then don't expect to receive many points
Impact: Did you look at it and go 'whoa!' or did you scroll over it without a seconds thought?
The all new and improved OcUK Photo Comp - Season 1: Round 1 - "Landscapes" ENTRIES
Theme: Circles
Chosen by: Phate
Closing date: Midnight Thursday February 28th 2013
Please post all entries for the current competition in this thread and keep discussion in the DISCUSSION thread.
Judges: To Judge you must enter.
This competition is open to everyone.
Rules must be followed. Failure to follow one or more rules will result in disqualification for the current round.
* One image per entrant (may be a montage consisting of two or more photos).
* If a montage is entered, all photos in the image will be judged on their relevance to each other as well as the theme.
* Photos must be posted in or linked to this thread for consideration.
* Photos must not exceed the image size rule. (Longest side of 1280px recommended)
* Photos must be submitted in the .jpg file format.
* Photos must have been taken on or after February 1st, 2013. Invalid EXIF dates must be declared.
* Photos must be available for viewing in this thread until the competition winner has been announced.
* Photos must be your own work unless posting on behalf of someone else. If this is the case it should be stated in your post.
* Photographers must post their make and model unless it is provided in the EXIF Information.
* Photographers retain full copyright to their entries, so you must contact them before using their entries.
* The winner of each round will choose the theme for the next round.
* All photos when entered must have an email address posted with it so I can contact you for judging.
* Judging submissions will be required by the first friday of each month.
* The winner will be announced at the end of that week or when all marks have been submitted, whichever is first.
* The winner will pick the next months theme.
* Scores to be submitted to [email protected]
Each image can receive upto 30 points, 10 points per category. Each category will be weighted individually.
* Technical ( 1 - 10 )
* Theme Relevance ( 1 - 10 )
* Impact ( 1 - 10 )
While each category is self explanatory, here are some rough examples for each one.
Technical: Is the photo in focus? has the rule of thirds been applied?
Theme Relevance: If the theme is Landscapes and you post a macro photo then don't expect to receive many points
Impact: Did you look at it and go 'whoa!' or did you scroll over it without a seconds thought?