Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

1 May 2013

I don't get it, why not learn how to play a guitar?

This reminds me of the South Park episode where Randy is showing the lads he can play Carry On Wayward Son on a real guitar but nobody is interested, they'd rather press 4 buttons :confused:
What has the world come to?
What don't you get, it's a game?

Why play battlefield, just enlist in the armed forces :p
21 Jan 2003
I don't get it, why not learn how to play a guitar?
This reminds me of the South Park episode where Randy is showing the lads he can play Carry On Wayward Son on a real guitar but nobody is interested, they'd rather press 4 buttons :confused:
What has the world come to?

Same reason modern day mainstream gaming has been diluted down to the lowest common denominator, kids want instant gratification, gone are the days you actually required skill/patience/strategy. Now it's all corridor map design, sticky aim, pointless gimmick unlocks and awards.
21 Jan 2003
What don't you get, it's a game?

Why play battlefield, just enlist in the armed forces :p

I think the point was if you're going to invest the time and effort to become really "good" at Guitar Hero, you might as well learn to play a guitar for real.

Battlefield, you can't exactly get your hands on an Apache helicopter and AK47 assault rifle now can you? :p
9 Jun 2009
London, McLaren or Radical
You and me both. I've been caught out once with a failed re-silvering due to URE and will take every precaution to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Out of interest, have your successful re-silvering processes with larger drives been with enterprise gear and SAS drives or consumer-grade SATA stuff?

Both... I'd be less concerned about the enterprise grade stuff. Also hardware raid controllers tend to do a better job of managing rebuilds than software raid. I've had quite a few problems with software raid migrations - but not lost any data, just spent ages recovering it sometimes due to software failure or sync issues, rather than any raid rebuild or similar issues. I'm a big fan of Synology SHR though - I think it's one of the best software raid implementations around, it still won't protect you from an untimely hardware failure - but I've never seen a sync issue with it.

I've worked with a number of smaller businesses who like to cut costs wherever possible, although they usually go with at least WD Red drives...

Personally at home I have gone from 3TB drives -> 4TB drives -> 6TB drives -> 8TB drives and then expanded from 5 -> 6 8TB drives all while keeping the data in tact on each rebuild.

That's approximately 18 or more rebuilds in my home environment without a failure. Nearly all of which I let Synology SHR do by itself... only the latest 8TB expansion is using a rocketraid 2720.

The first (and only) failure was actually my first proper array at home... this was back when the cheapy Seagate 3TB drives were around... I bought them quite soon after release, before the reliability issues came to light.

I did lose some data I would have preferred not to... but most of it was only movies and tv shows that could be re-downloaded.

Since then, I upgraded my Dropbox storage from the basic to larger volume so I'm not hugely worried... funnily enough - Dropbox have actually done greater damage to my files than any raid array since the Seagate disaster. Their app deleted a huge volume of my product photography. Thankfully it was at least stored in their deleted items - I just had to go through each file and restore them individually through the website - painful when there were about 3000 items.

For home use, even with 8TB/10TB drives... I don't see any reason not to go with Raid 5... the only drives I would really avoid doing that with are the Seagate Archive drives as due to the shingled platters their rebuild cycles would be a VERY high risk.

But as I mentioned above, for important business data, then I'd recommend 10 or similar as despite my good experience with 5, I still recognise the increased risk.

Despite this advice... a number of the smaller businesses I work with still choose 5 to save costs / increase capacity.
15 Dec 2011

Was £3,900

Went for pro drives as it came with 5 year warranty on drives and unit.

Yep, sorry I attached wrong screenshot from when I was messing around setting it up - went for Raid 6, so roughly 48TB of free space.

Reason being - I only have 15tb'ish of stuff at the moment so would rather have 2 drive protection until such time as I need the space I have available.

Lot of storage, but wanted one central place and figure that by the time the warranty runs out 8tb drives will be cheaper so cost of replacing will be less by then.

16gb ram - a) because I can b) because I am using it for a lot of activities on the fly eg CCTV, Plex etc

What am I storing - everything

Digital photo library from my 10+ years of SLR ownership and hobby
I digitise all media that I purchase - Audio/Movies etc
Home CCTV storage
General file library
4K Video recordings from my new corp digital video hobby..
System images/backups


2 x other NAS units (One Western digital and one Buffalo) capable of up to 20tb in total across both, power on nightly, sync and turn off.

Cloud straight from synology (Amazon/Dropbox) for work, personal stuff also in cloud but only life or death stuff/appropriate file size stuff.

4 x 4tb Seagates USB 3.0 units - used for monthly catchups of all items as fire proof option.

So far happy with it, but only loaded some data on it and using some of the features till I am happy its burnt in and no immedia issues with drives etc

Transfer speed using all 4 Ethernets in bonded mode = 130mb'ish on my 1gb switch... 90mbs if just using single port - but likely this is more down to drives at either end.

Was thinking of making it 7 x 8tb and 1 x SSD cache but maybe for another day.

Slightly concerned about the drive of others said it was silent - but that was with seagate drives - waiting to see if its just the setup/raid creation that is making it less than silent - that said it will end up in "data centre" eg the attic and it isn't that noisy.

As I said - came with 5 years warranty and 5 hour (24/7) drive swap out but fingers crossed I dont need to use this!

As everyone has said - biggest cost was the drives so if in the future I am not liking the unit I can get a different one and stick drives in it.

the management software is excellent as is the ease of setup.

Not tried the remote access etc but will do in time.

Any questions/info please ask.


I need to do something similar much is that? £1.5k?
25 Mar 2004
Looks nice and solid, no veneer in ere? Where did you purchase from if I may ask please?


Not sure which one you wanted so I'll link them both.

Coat Rack:

Small Sideboard:

The sideboard says oak and oak veneer, not sure which parts would be veneer or not myself tbh, it looks and feels good quality to me though.

If you want to order anything from Pine Solutions I have a code you can try for a discount, but please trust message me for it :)
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