Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

Another frag added to the roster.

blimey - thats a little pricey for a torch!
Love the high mode: "500 lumens for 3 minutes, then 304 lumens for 0.8 hours" burn someone's eyes out, and your hand for 3min then you have 45min before its dead...

I have brighter lights but this is pretty special, to achieve 500 lumens from a single AA cell was unheard of a couple of years ago. Can confirm, it's eye ball burning bright :D
A piece of history!


After much anticipation, I finally received my framed sample of authentic Trinitite, which was purchased from a collection that was originally acquired from the Ralph Pray stock via Verne Byrnes. The sample is mildly radioactive, but at safe levels.

Trinitite, also known as atomsite or Alamogordo glass, is the glassy residue left on the desert floor after the plutonium-based Trinity nuclear bomb test on July 16, 1945, near Alamogordo, New Mexico.
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After much anticipation, I finally received my framed sample of authentic Trinitite, which was purchased from a collection that was originally acquired from the Ralph Pray stock via Verne Byrnes. The sample is mildly radioactive, but at safe levels.

Pretty unique item you have there, how much did you pay for it ?
After much anticipation, I finally received my framed sample of authentic Trinitite, which was purchased from a collection that was originally acquired from the Ralph Pray stock via Verne Byrnes. The sample is mildly radioactive, but at safe levels.

Interesting! I used to work with a couple of serious element collectors. There were a couple of elements in their collections that didn't occur naturally. The only source was the waste from nuclear reactors. The elements were completely safe but you can imagine the kinds of contacts they needed to acquire them!
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