Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

I’m not sure if I could cope with individually toed socks. They look incredibly uncomfortable to me. But then again I feel like I’m very sensitive to clothing. I can’t wear something if it’s got a seam in the wrong place or feels tight on me.
Thanks for the link will try a pair, I have only ever used the injinji liner socks as they are really thin, but I wear them out quickly. When I used to run I never wore socks in the fivefingers, never had issues but then I never ran more than 10 miles. Must get back into running!

Great effort, i think part of my issue was moving from "regular trainers" to my Vivobarefoot shoes and then going for runs on holiday and getting carried away including some 8 mile runs on concrete down hills from a castle on ~15% declines which probably destroyed my feet. 100kg will likely do that, then the 50 miler after the dog attack just finished it off.

I've been miserable the last 12 months as i've not done much over 8 miles since and it sucks.

@andy_mk3 it certainly takes some getting used to. You can easily get lost down holes of people complaining about trainers destroying your feet etc, and for most people i'm not sure whether there's much benefit, but for me and a lot of people in a Mortons Neuroma recovery facebook group they're excellent.
Too much spare time browsing ebay :D :o

No idea how actually rare they are in NI though, while I've had loads of Scottish notes pass through my hands over the years I've never had an NI one.

They are not rare at all. Generally not accepted in the mainland however. Why, I will never know. Sterling anyone?

Look for some punts (Irish pound). I imagine they are collector stuff these days, assuming you collect notes?
I’m not sure if I could cope with individually toed socks. They look incredibly uncomfortable to me. But then again I feel like I’m very sensitive to clothing. I can’t wear something if it’s got a seam in the wrong place or feels tight on me.
When I first saw someone in toe socks I immediately assumed they must be incredibly uncomfortable and claustrophobic, because there's all that material wrapped around your toes. I used to immediately take off normal socks once out of shoes as I found them all so annoying, but with these toe socks I'll happily stay in them all day. After a while they just don't really feel like anything on my feet, which is great.

But I have found the cheaper Vibram low profile poly cotton ones less comfortable in terms of fit with my feet and the seams etc., just not quite as well fitting as their merino or the Injinjis.

@Martynt74 Cheers, I'll have a look into those Hilly ones once I've worn through the Vibram low profiles for general casual use.
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But I have found the cheaper Vibram low profile poly cotton ones less comfortable in terms of fit with my feet and the seams etc., just not quite as well fitting as their merino or the Injinjis.

Yeah, those must be the ones i have, good to know others in their range are better for any future purposes.

I have debated some of the unbranded ones on Amazon now that i wear them every day, where they're regular sock priced (5prs for £15) but just don't know how they'd be
There will be an influx of toe sock shots in the coming days. Me included as just ordered a pair to try! Randomly started getting blisters between big toe and next toe, tried taping both toes to no good effect so this might do the job.
There will be an influx of toe sock shots in the coming days. Me included as just ordered a pair to try! Randomly started getting blisters between big toe and next toe, tried taping both toes to no good effect so this might do the job.

:D i've never started a movement before. Trust me to start one which freaks most people out!
Not trainers.. Water shoes!

Needed a pair of water shoes for ages. This kayaking holiday had forced me to buy some

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