Testing out an anomaly I noticed with USB connection from my mobo. I think it's the mobo USB having noise but not really paid attention to it before as it's only audible when at extremely and unreasonably high volume levels and nothing is playing, at each volume increment there's a clicking noise as the volume increases. It's too faint to hear before 70% hence why never noticed it before and likely also existed on the NAD over USB too but never really did this test to confirm for sure.
The clicking does not exist when using optical, which tells me it's more than likely an issue with the USB connection to PC:
Obviously it's a non issue but just an observation, and unlike amps like the Loxjie A30, the Topping uses the same DAC across all input sources so the sound quality remains the same on all inputs (and yeah the processing of the AMP-UP DAC on the mobo has been turned off so it's just sending a pure optical signal out )
I had an issue where my usb dac wasn't been fed hi res (a light system lets you know) as it was going through windows processing instead of bypassing , i use foobar 2000 with wasapi drivers now and no such problem ,seen reviews on this as being snake oil ,they seem to like it
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