Prints or originals? Nice.
They use real oil paint, painted with a palette knife.
They are not "originals" though, more "copies of originals". But they are not prints, there is real paint texture on them.
I like those hippos, nice. Colourful but not garish and quite a nice technique.
At least he got the masts central this time
Haha yeah, I still really like the other one I had even with the non-central masts.
The style is fairly loose so you can get away with it not looking 100% spot on.
Where from, HungryHippos?
Nice paintings, where you buy them from?
They are from - they are shipped over from Mexico, I estimate from order placement to receiving them at about 3~ weeks.
Don't be put off by the fact that everything is on sale all the time, it's a see through tactic but the artwork is, honestly, unlikely to sell much at the expensive RRP's listed, it's good quality for reasonable pricing, and that's a fair assessment. I enjoy the style and the colours used, without needing to validate there is any resale value for later.
I picked the option on mine to be canvas wrapped (adds a bit of cost). I also then had to pay a bit more for shipping internationally, as it's only free if you don't get the canvases wrapped.
I estimate the cost for each of mine to be around £125 - £150 each time I've bought one. I had to pay some duty to Fedex last time I had 2, which was around £40, they also wanted £12 "fees" but I got them to cancel that off as it was just one of their random fees not to do with paying import tax/duty.