Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

I don't mind vapers at all, but I am a daily cigarette smoker. Personally I think carrying a chunky box around and puffing into that looks a bit silly, but I can talk.
Considering I'm a 17st midget biker 2nd hand vape plumes are not high on my list of things I'm going to worry will kill me.
From my experience cigarettes are way worse. Doesnt have to be a complex test, put the fumes of both through a filter with suction and you can see how much residue is going into the lungs on each smoke
Happy Birthday to me


What a load of over-engineered toss vape sticks/chambers/boxes are. No self-respecting gentleman should be carrying about that toy-like gadget on his person. Not to mention all smokers are displaying the same characteristics as a kid sucking their thumb, world too mean and tough for you? MUST have a puff on my vape, boo-hoo.

Studies now show a clear relationship between whether an infant was breast-fed and its likelihood of becoming a smoker as an adult. It was found that babies who were largely bottle-fed represent the majority of adult smokers and the heaviest smokers, while the longer a baby was breast-fed, the less chance there was that it would become a smoker. It seems that breast-fed babies receive comfort and bonding from the breast that is unattainable from a bottle, the consequence being that the bottle-fed babies, as adults, continue the search for comfort by sucking things. Smokers use their cigarettes for the same reason as the child who sucks his blanket or thumb.
Sorry if i started some kind of debate in a thread its not worthy of.

I don't big up vaping or defend any of the attributes of it.. i simply do it as it has allowed me to stop smoking 20+ cigarettes a day.. I have not touched a cigarette since changing over which has now been two years.

I treat it like any other smoke.. i don't do it near my kids or near people in public.. but i do feel some of the posts here have been a direct dig at me for no reason.. i could comment on some of the other photos here in the same vain as i don't give two sacks if someone buys things I am not interested in or don't agree with but i don't start stupid conversations about it.

Leave it alone now guys take the vape discussion else where.

Bought a second 29" ultrawide LG display (with FreeSync). Old screen (LG without FreeSync) got flipped upside down (I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there) and on a dual monitor arm.
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