Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

wow when did this thread change to 'images of items i have purchase apart from those that others don't like'?

Lets not start a fight on vaping please.
Don't those kind of magazines normally go under before the 130 issues is up? So you have to buy the bits direct for the publisher

Not really go under as that suggests they stop. However a lot do start to only supply generally to those who have subscribed via web or in a shop, as opposed to off the shelf availability.
It probably makes more sense for them in a way as they can manage the volumes better.

I subscribe to the Star Trek Starships one which I really enjoy. With that one of course if it did stop, nothing lost!
Don't those kind of magazines normally go under before the 130 issues is up? So you have to buy the bits direct for the publisher

That happens a lot, but not these guys (Eaglemoss). They've got a lot better in the past couple of years, but what they're bad for is missing shipments/magazines. I've ordered stuff from them that never turns up until a few months later (after an email to their customer support).

I'd never start collecting an ongoing magazine from them, that you NEED every part.
Ah I see, comparing my stuff that harms no one to second hand vape/smoke that gets in my lungs and everyone else around them for 5+ meters or more.
Yea, sexually provocative pre-teen stuff....totally fine with that.

If you are standing on the side a road, what you are breathing from cars is about 1000x worse.
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If you are standing on the side a road, what you are breathing from cars is about 1000x worse.

One thing is necessary, the other is an luxury item, you don't need to smoke/vape, but you choose too anyway.

While modern day transport is necessary and needed for modern civilization to work, how else is Overclockers going to deliver it's awesome products and my future GPU? :)
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Ah I see, comparing my stuff that harms no one to second hand vape/smoke that gets in my lungs and everyone else around them for 5+ meters or more.

It's just water vapour though, isn't it? Not for one minute am I suggesting that I vape or support it, but it's initial purpose was to help people to stop smoking. I appreciate that it's gone beyond that now though....
Best slippers ever!

Usually my feet get massively over hot in slippers but i could wear these forever.

It's just water vapour though, isn't it? Not for one minute am I suggesting that I vape or support it, but it's initial purpose was to help people to stop smoking. I appreciate that it's gone beyond that now though....

Yeah, I can appreciate that it's meant to help people, but from what I have seen, around people I know who vape, it's just become an replacement now and with the favours they can have, it's enjoyable for them, maybe a new addiction I guess. I was just reading more about vaping and it seems people who never smoked in their lives are taking up vaping. :/

It does less harm then smoking, but it's not just water, it's full of stuff, still has nicotine in the vapor but in smaller amounts.

Still gets inside you and does damages to the lungs, better then proper smoking in the end, but still something I don't want to be around or breathe in.
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It's just water vapour though, isn't it? Not for one minute am I suggesting that I vape or support it, but it's initial purpose was to help people to stop smoking. I appreciate that it's gone beyond that now though....

i was stood near a vape'er the other day and the thick cloud of strawberry (i think) fumes actually made my nose sting.

and at the risk of having a debate in the wrong thread, who really knows what inhaling the vapour of those flavoured chemicals do as there haven't been any long term tests (remember at one point smoking was not considered bad for you).
Those magazine things are horrendously overpriced imo but if you enjoy reading them and building the model each to thier own :)

Well it is a die cast model, the hot wheels one which is cheaper and already built which defeats the object and it's plastic, not really bothered about the cost as its spread out over 2 years just the like the R2D2 one.


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