Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

13 May 2003
Thought it was a very bad time to buy a new diesel car...
I think it's a bit more complex than that. You're presumably referring to uncertainty around duty rates, London zone charges, resale values, diesel pump prices, public perception, etc., but diesel still makes sense for a lot of people doing large miles, especially on a lease / PCP where residual value doesn't really matter (but for the impact on PCP charges from the impact on balloon payments).

Also a lot of cars aren't realistic propositions in petrol guise, e.g. Audi Q7 and Merc E-Class, neither of which is even available in petrol (when I last looked) until you get to 300bhp+ sport models, which would categorically be a more expensive whole life cost than an entry-level diesel, notwithstanding stupid penalties from UK Gov.

The hybrid petrol electric models are typically expensive to buy (even with 'grants' etc.) and sacrifice boot space.

Also the extra VED rates that are meant to be coming in (the structure of which I still haven't definitively worked out yet) are a pittance really and would barely be noticed.

Modern 4 pot diesels are really good. I feel a bit sorry for manufacturers that have ploughed bns in investment into modern diesel engines, only for the demand to fall through the floor due to continued confusing and mixed messages from government about how they would like people to behave when buying cars.

Feels like BMW etc. should due UK Gov for the sunk costs or something!
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20 May 2010
Englishman in the USA

Picked up both of these for $80 from a local 'bargain' store. $30 for the Protect and $50 for the Thermostat.

The store is a complete bombsite (it's one of those that buys Amazon, Target, Walmart, etc returns so they just throw everything in plastic tubs or on shelves) but all the good electronics are behind a counter. The Protect box had been opened but never used (the tab you pull out to turn it on was still in) and the Thermostat had been set up but from what I can tell it hadn't ever been installed.

FWIW I'd be pretty gutted if I spent $170 on the Thermostat E as it's considerably lower quality than the more expensive one and only $80 cheaper. I'd have returned it and stumped up the extra cash for the other Thermostat.
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