Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

Mutt pick him up next week......

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New keyboard arrived this morning from MM, been looking at them for quite a while but one popped up so i decided to snap. Set of cheapo keycaps as well that arrived yesterday. mainly bought for use with my surface when out and about but quite enjoying the 60% life. Now just to change the switches over to something more worthy of typing on than reds :p

EDIT: excuse potato pics, my camera app on my iphone 6s doesnt open my shutter so have to take them through snapchat or the facebook app which compresses the hell out of them.



Have to laugh at these fake cyclists with their trainers too scared to venture outside on their bike for half the year

I think it's the best time battling against the worst elements the weather can throw at you, it also motivates you to cycle faster so you can get home quicker, cycling on warm sunny clear days is just "meh"

Just LOL.

Not only is it unpleasant and higher risk in relation to both road surface and visibility than riding when it is bright and dry, there is a far greater chance of becoming ill by drawing in freezing cold air into piping hot lungs.

I've no qualms riding outdoors when it's miserable but once your hands & feet go in the cold weather and you suffer a mechanical or puncture have fun getting going again with no dexterity.

Funny how there's actually a higher degree & quality of work done indoor on the trainer than outdoors and greater level of self-distraction required.

You don't cycle very much, do you?

Sounds like he rode a bike, once upon a time...
I am friends with someone on Facebook who does all the Strava stuff, he recently did some massive distance and Strava wouldn't upload it. The fallout was amazing :D

I used to love Strava rage, a lot of guys in work used to do local routes really competitively (shared lengths of commute) man they do not see the funny side of you doing it on a motorbike:D
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