Why is that? What do you determine is appropriate in a post some stuff you bought thread? Does this thread need a limit to satisfy your self esteem and principals?
I agree some people share too much about the pounds and pennies of what they are spending, but that is up to them. But we have LOADS of threads about people, money and spending habits where prices are asked and discussed. It seems however when the money is serious is annoys some people. This is after all a show what you bought thread and no one worries when someone asks how much a pair of shoes were, or a set of headphones or a telly.
We are a forum of mixed sorts and sorts who have grown up too and who were posting 2K cars 15 years ago and are now posting 80K cars, for example. Why not appreciate that instead of getting uppity about it? It's not like you are walking into a pub and talking at the top of your voice, it is a show us your **** sunshines thread.