Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

I was under the impression that Lays were the European name of Walkers so they should taste the same.

I thought they were an American company, called Lay's everywhere but the UK where it's Walkers.

I think they're both owned by Pepsi now.

Lays don't do a Cheese and Onion flavour, so these are lovely. The probably got the recipe sent over from Walkers. they've also got a "flavours from Thailand" which is sweet chilli, which reminds me very strongly of the Sensations sweet chilli crisp.

The Salt and Vinegar don't taste the same either, hopefully they'll get that one sent over as well.
It's only virgin tat 'lends' you their equipment isn't it? I'd have thought at over £100 / month you'd own the Q equipment as you own the normal sky boxes.

Nope sky is doing it as well. The q box belongs to them and must be returned when you cancel your subscription

So andicole0 is correct :)

Pic needs removing as breaks thread rules :p
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