Images of items I have purchased.

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17 May 2004
Telford, Shropshire
One way ticket to Thailand.


Hope you have a better flight than we did (we did the same flight). Horrendous - mainly because it was filled by damn right rude Indians, who slammed their over head luggage straight onto ours, near enough breaking everything, were rude to the staff - clicking fingers and shouting I want this, I want that... And filling the cabin with a whole heap of stuff. On the way back we were approached by an Indian lady who asked us to give them some of our baggage weight as they had used theirs - we refused of course. In front of them was a guy who was trying to check in two 50" LCD's as hand luggage... As well as normal bags and hand luggage.

The flight in it's self wasn't that bad, no turbulence, the meals were OK and in flight entertainment was good, just the people on board turned it into a disaster!

Dehli airport is a dump too!

However when you arrive in Thailand, it's ace. We used the BTS Skytrain to get every where we needed to - we went to BTS Nana straight from the airport - Public transport is a joy in Thailand :)

Enjoy! It's a magical country.
22 Nov 2005
A cheaper way to clean the chain is just get a bottle of white spirit and an old icecream tub and swish the chain about in the tub. Then let it dry, re-oil the links and wipe off the excess oil.

You can then pour the white spirit back into the container and after a while all the gunk falls to the bottom leaving the clean white spirit at the top for the next use.

If your chain has one of those missing links that allows you to remove the chain in seconds, it makes the job a lot easier.

well I had been planning on buying the park one anyway but just never got around to ordering it like I usually do with stuff I need..

I need stuff , I have the money to buy it but for some reason I don't buy stuff until I have to must be something to do with my autism I guess :S

I don't think I could be bothered to take my chain off all the time though anyway and leave it soaking for ages but I guess I can do the same thing with the rings from my crankset or whatever they are called :p seems it's impossible to get them clean without removing them

I did the chain btw already and it came out really clean and doesnt feel like theres any grit trapped inside the links anymore

actually I'll clean my crank thingys now :D just took them off and this is how dirty they were after I had already attempted to clean them whilst they were on the bike lol
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19 May 2005

This is what my new chain has on it, so you can remove the chain in seconds. I also have the park chain removing tool, which is also useful to have in case you need to shorten a new chain.

While on the subject of bikes I may as well post a picture of mine as pretty much all the parts bar the frame were purchased within the last few weeks.


Shaved around 2200g off the original weight of the bike with the new components. I bought the bike for £550 in 2006, so it didn't have the best parts and was overdue a bit of cash spending on it. Really pleased with the result and I can now make it up hills that I previously had to stop half way and push.
14 Nov 2004
The North
Shaved around 2200g off the original weight of the bike with the new components. I bought the bike for £550 in 2006, so it didn't have the best parts and was overdue a bit of cash spending on it. Really pleased with the result and I can now make it up hills that I previously had to stop half way and push.

No wonder you had trouble going up hills. That's a lot of weight to save.
22 Nov 2005

This is what my new chain has on it, so you can remove the chain in seconds. I also have the park chain removing tool, which is also useful to have in case you need to shorten a new chain.

While on the subject of bikes I may as well post a picture of mine as pretty much all the parts bar the frame were purchased within the last few weeks.

Shaved around 2200g off the original weight of the bike with the new components. I bought the bike for £550 in 2006, so it didn't have the best parts and was overdue a bit of cash spending on it. Really pleased with the result and I can now make it up hills that I previously had to stop half way and push.
Nice bike I like how it's pretty discreet...

I hate how mine has C BOARDMAN written all over it in big bright letters
as I live in a poor area of newcastle just next to the city centre and any time I drive around near my street all the chavs are eyeing up my bike..

No one would dare try to steal it whilst I'm on it though as I'm a big bloke and I'd imagine I don;t exactly look like someone who's going to stand and give it over.
But still it means if I ever chain it up in town everyone instantly knows it's not a cheap bike... there not stickers either so I can't just pull them off :mad:

I still need a chain removal tool and a power link or whatever sram call them. (I have sram gears I might as well get an sram chain I guess it's a KMC one at the minute likely a cheap one I guess which is why its 40% wear in only 150miles :S although I only cleaned it twice so maybe my bad)
so I'll wait until it's 75% then get what I need to remove it after :) (as I said I'm wierd when it comes to buying things I need lol)
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9 Jan 2013
Worthing, West Sussex
You've got quite a start to the season and will probably get your first points at that game! Have fun.

Yeah we have. Get them out the way, and probably the best time to play them though! Buzzing for it, best place to sit in the ground too!

I see your Villa and raise you


Brechin City away top for this season (will get the home one shortly) along with 2 adult and a kids ticket to the first game of the season away at Ibrox.......but they're not for me as I'll be pitchside :D

Have a great time!

I booked a spurs game, nearly booked the 25th of august when I realized I am at Spa.

So booked Norwich at home.

Ah thats a lucky one.....I also did Norwich at home last season...and the season before that! have a good time.
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