Images of items I have purchased.

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This was long overdue, moving my pc connected equipment away from under the desk into their own unit. Got it from Ikea and seems to be nicely built and matches the dark oak colour of my speakers..

Which also meant I needed new cables and terminations so a trip to the av store for some banana plugs and thick gauge cables.

Need to go back tomorrow as one side needs to be a metre longer than I calculated.

Where was that from? I like that!
That's some posh looking banana plugs.

See my question about that mug! The plugs are long term usage so stop unterminated ends fraying and getting mucked up over the years. I'll have my previous cables on sale in MM later tonight (1.5m QED Silver Anniversary XT with Airloc plugs) at a good price so anyone interested be sure to check there :)
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Bought a Samsung UE42F5000 LED TV, no fancy features as my PC is plugged right into it so shouldn't need any smart nonsense.

Also bought the Xbox 360 and controllers.

Other half of the desk.

Oh yeah, also trying to get used to this, not a clue what I'm doing.

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Starbucks store, online only. Made by Bodum, it's hand made (or blown rather). The Starbucks logo is inside the glass, actually inside the wall of the glass.

Or you can pay £29 without the Starbucks logo. £25 one is smaller. Starbucks one is 295ml.

P.s. I know about banana plugs, all my cables have them :)

Thanks, I don't hate Starbucks that much (their tea is rubbish) to pay £29 for a mug without their name on it :p
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