I've come to the conclusion that the possible things that make your images so pleasing is:
Custom White Balance (Although this would depend on the lighting surely)
Custom Camera Settings
Your images look soft which makes me think you tone down the clarity but I'm not so sure... Hmmm..
NAD D 3020 + free Chord optical cable worth £51 which I'll sell and get a cheap Tesco one as that connection I'll be using for games consoles only
For the Nikon or Canon? f3.5 or f4-5.6. I'm thinking of getting the Canon 10-20 f3.5 in the new year.
Ah. Any reason you didn't go for the f3.5 model?It's the 4-5.6 Nikon fit. It's apparently a bit hit and miss as to whether you get a good lens and for me it was miss, it's going back to be replaced with the Tokina 11-16mm
By soft you mean the out of focus bits? That's all down to my lens. The look of colours is my custom Lightroom preset that all photos have applied. It's subtle enough to look pleasing but pushes back the shadows into the midtones giving a soft colour look like you'd find on 70s film cameras which I've always been a fan of
Indoor shots have bounced flash as well.
Nexus 7 2013 16GB
Running it at max volume or surged at the mains?!
My old NAD C325 Bee which I've had since 2008 was picked up by its new owner last night, today I picked this up:
NAD D 3020 + free Chord optical cable worth £51 which I'll sell and get a cheap Tesco one as that connection I'll be using for games consoles only
The internals were designed by the same man who created the original 3020 back in the 70s. I read he rejected many versions of it and only signed it off once he was happy with the performance.
Amazing how times have changed, from analogue amps as big as old school VCRs to this which is the size of a Wii yet still outputs comparable or better sound with all the modern features thrown in.
By soft you mean the out of focus bits? That's all down to my lens. The look of colours is my custom Lightroom preset that all photos have applied. It's subtle enough to look pleasing but pushes back the shadows into the midtones giving a soft colour look like you'd find on 70s film cameras which I've always been a fan of
Indoor shots have bounced flash as well.