Images of items I have purchased.

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This Nexus 5* was delivered the other day, to replace my iPhone 5. I've had Apple phones since the original iPhone (then the 3G, 4 and 4S), and decided it's about time I tried something different. I've been an advocate of the iPhone since the beginning but the ludicrous price and tempting offers from elsewhere have pulled me away.

Getting on really well with this so far. My girlfriend bought a Nexus 7 when they were released and this influenced the decision no end.


*Picture taken with iPhone 5 :D
Why did you decide to get shot of the iphone 5?

Probably just boredom more than anything. I was interested in the larger screen size and at the price point of the Nexus 5, I couldn't really resist. Inclusive of this, my girlfriends iPhone 4 was getting a little long in the tooth for running iOS7, so she has had my iPhone 5.

its not exactly old tech.

I agree, quite the contrary in fact, the camera on the iPhone 5 wipes the floor with that of the Nexus 5 (something I was well aware of prior to purchasing).

The iPhone 5, in my opinion, still runs super fast and smooth.
Good to see all N5s.

Anyway after the new laptop thought I needed a sleeve to keep it looking nice and who can resist a bit of tweed?

Really impressed with it, high quality and the inside is brilliant.

Finally broke down and got a mechanical keyboard. Some of my friends said that I would not enjoy it, man are they wrong. I feel like I am back in primary school programming the BBC Micro :D
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See that price is way out of it for anyone who just would occasionally fancy a big movie with friends or something XD

Still it looks great, hope you enjoy it.

You can get Full HD 1080p Projectors 2nd hand for around £250-£300. You can get 2nd hand 720p Projectors, which would be ideal for some casual gaming and the odd movie for around £150.

I have an Optoma HD230x and am wodnering why I didn't part with my £300 sooner than I did.
You're going to really enjoy watching this if you haven't already seen it.
It really is something special :)

I was there maaaaaaan! Well the at the Manchester reunion as well as the one in Glasgow.

As someone above mentioned, it really is amazing. The ending Fools Gold is absolutely incredible. :cool:

Not watched it yet. Will probably rip it and stream it to the telly as I've only got a bluesy player on the pc so far.

Finally broke down and got a mechanical keyboard. Some of my friends said that I would not enjoy it, man are they wrong. I feel like I am back in primary school programming the BBC Micro :D

Love mine too. Only downside is if the girlfriend is sleeping, she can her me typing, even if i try to be quiet. Lovely sound though!
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