Images of items I have purchased.

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Sounds pretty cool. What model is it? I can't quite see it from the picture.

Also just one quick question - you mention it's able to see your NAS, can it see standard SMB file shares or is it only with DLNA etc?

Sony DN1040.

I have no idea about the second part of the question...the NAS has SMB selected, as AFP. It just can see it, the set up process is very simple.
Two books from a series of 3, the 3rd arrives tomorrow.



I am terrible at taking pictures, you might have guessed that.

Bought a new telly for Christmas, seems everyone is buying Samsungs, I've 3 already but none of them work properly and 2 are faulty which mean I'll NEVER buy another Samsung......well after this shiny 8000 series which just had to be bought, but after that no more.


and as it sounds rubbish one of these

I've been impressed with it. Much quicker than my older model Samsung's and the 3D is significantly better, it was pretty crummy on their earlier devices. I have tuned the picture as best as I can after researching good base settings and it works really well accessing my 1080p MKV files on my NAS. I just need to work out how the hell I get the video art to show up.
Nice house but the spoof chimneys are in a weird place. If it really had some fires they would be on the gable ends not half way along the roof like that. :D

Not necessarily? If they have a chimney breast feature on the end walls, be time you have your cavity walls (12" 300mm) and breast in place that's about where the chimney would fall. Must be doing something anyway. :p

I checked today, not only are they fake but also plastic! :eek:

One of the boxes they had to tick for planning permission to make sure the 'house was in keeping with the surrounding area' :D
Would you be offended if I asked what it is?

I was curious so I just looked it up. :) said:
Neutro+ - this is a complete fertiliser that provides both trace and macro elements (NPK) and is designed for those who keep high tech planted aquariums. High tech by definition is CO2 injecting with moderate to high lighting. The great and most simple feature about this fertiliser is that all your nutrients are in one bottle – this makes dosing a dream. 10ml per 100L every 24 hours.

Neutro CO2 is a liquid source of carbon for the planted aquarium.For those of you not familiar with it, carbon is essential for all healthy plant growth and can be provided via gas, or liquid. The liquid form is not as potent as the gas but is still very effective. It won’t make your plants pearl (this is when you see O2 bubbles coming from the plant) but it will help them grow. Plants that have access to liquid carbon will do far better than those without.
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