The racist aspeect of it?
I choose to ignore that.
Attitude? I am merely stating the fact that Japanese are more adventurous with foods. There is no attitude, I did not realise I need to add a smilie to indicate that I am not trying to be aggressive ?
There has been no swearing or CAPTIAL letters (to indicate shouting) of any kind.
If I come across as "catty" I apologise.
I am merely stating the fact that Japanese are more adventurous with foods.
Not attitude, but a sweeping statement regardless.
Ray the Racist
You know those times when you buy something and then realise you didn't even need it in the first place? Bought this for my car stereo... Guess I'll use it in my camera should the 128GB one fill up on a shoot.
The other card is the backup though CF card is primaryAlways nice to have a back up.
These things really do make a heck of a difference!
The other card is the backup though CF card is primary
Ray, those squid crisps are rank...
Two worst things I've ever eaten were asian. Chickens feet...just helllllll no.
Chicken gristle. Worse. Lol
On the other hand some of the most amazing things I've ever tasted were also asian!
Also, if you've never seen tripe on a menu over here you're not looking hard enough. A couple of the pubs near me and restaurants in Newcastle have featured it.
Well, since they both store identical RAW files, to me they are as important as each other. You would want both to be working so both needs back up? If a CF card gets corrupted then you use another one. If the SD card gets corrupted then you can now swap it, instead of change the menu setting in the camera so it shoot to one card only.
When I transfer the files to the computer I use the SD card, just neater being 1 card and all there, as opposed to copying like a dozen 8G CF cards.
Chicken gristle is nice! Lol
As for chicken's this? Lol
Ray the Racist