But are you saying we do not have access to the same food as they do? We eat fish but how many of us actually go outside the normal Cod, Salmon and Tuna? Who here has tried jelly fish, raw prawns, sea urchin. What about toad and snakes? These animals are not limited to east asia.
Last I checked, we live on an island too and as for most of east asia on an island.....China isn't on an island, look at their population!
It's not all about product of their environment, sure, thay does have an effect on what humans can eat but the days of "we don't have that many cows so we end up fish a lot" are over with international shipping. You can easily get lamb from New Zealand and steaks from Argentina these days over here. Yet they still have weird and wonderful flavour foods over there.
Things like Curry Cheese Flavoured Pot Noodles is not a product of their envornment, nor is Spam flavoured nuts, nor is red bean flavoured ice cream.