Images of items I have purchased.

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Bargain 28" Sony Trinitron I bought from cash converters in 2002 :D



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Starting buying the physical books after enjoying them so much on the Kindle for the shelf.



And new phone case.



Very red :D
No I just know how it feels to be taken the **** out of for being who you are. So yes, I guess I did take it to heart.

IronWarrior's posts in this thread are the only ones I actually look forward to reading. I wouldn't buy anything he's posted personally, however I find them infinitely more interesting than yet another Apple device, or another picture of the latest video game released. Boring. Those are ten a penny, at least his posts are a break from the mundane. I am genuinely interested in items from another area of interest I wouldn't normally think about and his enthusiasm for what he likes is great.
IronWarrior's posts in this thread are the only ones I actually look forward to reading. I wouldn't buy anything he's posted personally, however I find them infinitely more interesting than yet another Apple device, or another picture of the latest video game released. Boring. Those are ten a penny, at least his posts are a break from the mundane. I am genuinely interested in items from another area of interest I wouldn't normally think about and his enthusiasm for what he likes is great.


No interest in his subject what so ever but find it very interesting all the same...

Like the guy that keeps posting guns!... only, I do want one of those!
Few bits of American Football gear that have arrived over from the states...

New gloves to replace my Cutters.

Nike Vapor Jets 2.0 !

aaaand, new 7 piece girdle to replace my Riddell 5 piece. Finally... knee pads that fit my weird knees!

Nike ProCombat Hyperstrong Girdle

Don't actually have them yet, as they have arrived at another office. friend sent me pictures to tease :(
So, finally my new shirt has arrived, only took like 12 days from the moment it arrived in the UK to be delivered to me which is outrageous for a EMS package on top of the £22 they stole from me.

Meet Shimakaze-chan (島風), she is a destroyer in the Imperial Japanese Navy. At the time she was the fastest destroyer in the world where she could move as fast 40 kn. She was armed from 5" guns to the deadly Type 93 (Long Lance) torpedo that the allies feared.

She was the only one of her kind because building the experimental steam turbine was impossible during the war.

Sadly for her, she wasn't fast enough to dodge 350 kn speed bombers.


She is reborn today serving as an Guided Missile Destroyer named the JDS Shimakaze.

And lastly, she can be found in the card browser game... Kancolle. :D

The ship existed but I don't understand the link to an Anime schoolgirl?:confused:
IronWarrior's posts in this thread are the only ones I actually look forward to reading. I wouldn't buy anything he's posted personally, however I find them infinitely more interesting than yet another Apple device, or another picture of the latest video game released. Boring. Those are ten a penny, at least his posts are a break from the mundane. I am genuinely interested in items from another area of interest I wouldn't normally think about and his enthusiasm for what he likes is great.

I posted a house, and a hoover, I think that classes as "different" :D
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