Greetings my fellow GD-kuns.
These two parcels arrived today from Japan. Been waiting for these since forever. Can you believe they been in the UK since the 30th? That's right Customs, you keep my parcel for over a week and charge me £35 while it took less then a week for them to be shipped here in the first place and the shipping was cheaper too.
Let's open them up.
This time round I ordered three parka's from the good people of Hobby Search (
All three next to each other. They are the Aircraft Carrier Kaga, the Destroyer Shimakaze and the Battleship Nagato.
individual photos in the spoiler.
Finally, you might be thinking what are they and why do they have battleship bits stuck to them?
Well they are from a game called
Kantai Collection or Kancolle to sum it up, it's a game where you collect ships which are shown as cute girls who are designed with the looks or parts from their real life ship counter-parts for example, bigger the ship, bigger the breasts and more mature looking while the destroyers are shown to be much younger and the submarines are shown to be wearing swimwear. It's really smart how they do it like Kaga and the other Aircraft carriers are shown to be "archers" which fire their planes.
Here is "Let's play Kancolle" video that explains the game, but if you get bored, just type in Kancolle in Youtube and watch a few battles and you soon understand what the game is about.
I explained this before but Kancolle is pretty damn huge in Japan right now, for example, Kancolle was behind the
Windows Tablet boom in Japan a while ago and it's
boosted ship model kits sales by 500%.
It's got me looking for kits to buy! Next minute I be joining the Navy.
Kancolle is spawning 1000's of new art work and tons of cosplay each week and music videos.
Here are some examples, one of my rotating wallpapers. and
Current favourite video.
That's all for today.