Images of items I have purchased.

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Then the fascination for school girls is worse than I thought.

No, because not all anime/manga has anything to do with school girls :rolleyes:

Anime and manga are media types and cover many, many genres ... they are not singular genres themselves. Saying that anime/manga is all about school girls is like saying live action films are all westerns or are all porn.

Just because Ironwarriors choices are maybe a bit :eek: it doesn't mean that that is all that is available ...
Here we have Haruna-chan from the Imperial Japanese Navy, she was born in 1913 and is the youngest of the four Kongo-class battleships, she had a british designer and you can find her today in Kancolle. :P

Kongo-class sisters and the bottom one shows two ship-daughters of the Fubuki-class. The one in the photo is Shirayuki-chan who was born in 1928. The Fubuki-class destroyers are often called the first worlds modern destroyer. They had firepower as well as other Japanese destroyers of the time the equal or more of westen class cruisers.

I'm a bit confused. This description sounds very interesting and doesnt at all match the photographs :confused:
[TW]Fox;26436962 said:
I'm a bit confused. This description sounds very interesting and doesnt at all match the photographs :confused:

Nothing confusing there. She's obviously a Kongo-class sister named after a Kongō-class battlecruiser. :p
[TW]Fox;26436962 said:
I'm a bit confused. This description sounds very interesting and doesnt at all match the photographs :confused:

Glad I wasn't the only one wondering why the descriptions was about Japanese warships but the pictures of cartoon schoolgirls.
I have a couple but lost my CF card so had to use my phone, so they're not as wide as i'd like (it's not a giant flat tbh).

It's just a shade east of Manchester (10 mins), but i'd rather not get super specific.


This was the only real downside for me, It's a touch small but I loved the rest of it too much to let that kill the deal.

Lounge - Reverse

Downstairs bed

Upstairs bed

And heres the balcony thing i mentioned, dont know what to call it

I'm dead happy all in all!

10 mins east of Manchester you say? You must be extremely close to me now :D.
IronWarrior must be :D right now. Every post (which i kind of look forward too) sparks 2 pages of comments of people not understanding.
I'm more curious about what friends/girlfriends/family think about this whole collection of scantily clad pre adolescent girl cartoons.

I am not an anime/manga aficionado, but are these characters pre adolescent or do they just appear that way because it's the style? All the anime characters I've seen appear to be in a style where the women look like 16 year old girls and the men like 13 year old boys. It's just the style.
I am not an anime/manga aficionado, but are these characters pre adolescent or do they just appear that way because it's the style? All the anime characters I've seen appear to be in a style where the women look like 16 year old girls and the men like 13 year old boys. It's just the style.

Its that style that confuses me. I was a big fan of Manga stuff in my teens. Loved Akira, Guyver, Fist of the North Star etc. But I dont remember them looking anywhere near as dodgy as this stuff Iron Warrior sinks hundreds of pounds a month into.

I might just be making assumptions without having actually seen these cartoons. Maybe they are actually 30yr old characters. But I do know they look like young kids in provocative outfits.
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