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I got my own Rob Ford.


Shame they didn't do a crack smoking version...

[TW]Fox;26440736 said:
Looks like he isn't going to tell us :confused:

It will be something along the lines of each of the girls represents the boat they are named after ... the "characters" of the girls would be related to the boat in question in some way (so a powerful ship would equate to a strong character and so on)

It's a typical modern anime device (there was a similar series with characters being related to guns not so long ago) ...

(note the above is guess work ... I don't know the property in question)
Hey, I got into Anime from watching these from the days when Channel 4 used to air them and on the Sci-Fi channel when it used to be good. I have the entire Guyver OVA series on VHS in the loft somewhere, all 12 tapes. :p

Nothing beats the old classics like the above, sadly they don't make Anime as good as them, though there is the one or two good series or movies.

Well you have almost redeemed yourself haha.

Your talk of that time on Channel 4 was the same era I was into them. Good stuff, but dude, the stuff you buy now just makes me pull a face. :-/
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