Images of items I have purchased.

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Its that style that confuses me. I was a big fan of Manga stuff in my teens. Loved Akira, Guyver, Fist of the North Star etc. But I dont remember them looking anywhere near as dodgy as this stuff Iron Warrior sinks hundreds of pounds a month into.

Hey, I got into Anime from watching these from the days when Channel 4 used to air them and on the Sci-Fi channel when it used to be good. I have the entire Guyver OVA series on VHS in the loft somewhere, all 12 tapes. :p

Nothing beats the old classics like the above, sadly they don't make Anime as good as them, though there is the one or two good series or movies.
IronWarrior must be :D right now. Every post (which i kind of look forward too) sparks 2 pages of comments of people not understanding.

I don't think its people not understanding. It more like people have their own opinions on what this 'school girls showing off their underwear art work' actually shows about the people who like it.
Some mini probes bought for a LCR meter connections.

And an AD9851 DDS board. Nice but not what I ordered. I was after a DDS function generator board with LCD and everything and got sent this by mistake. Ah well at least I will get it for free now but will have to wait for the proper device to arrive.

Yes I do, turns the fan off when it is not being used. I don't notice the difference in sound or in my leccy bill but it is a handy feature.
Did those shoes cost you £400?! They're very nice, but you are nuts!

lol no not quite, significantly less than that, but still v expensive. I`ve looked at a 'proper' Made In England (Northampton) pair for a couple of years.......had a bit of cash saved from last two months......impulsively went into a shop and these are exactly what I was looking for, very nice can be casual or dressy and rubber soles,leather soles I find can be a bit hard, not to mention slippy and not waterproof.

Yeah its an indulgence, but sometimes its ok, imo anyway.
[RXP]Andy;26440586 said:
Very nice pair of C&J's.

C&J make lovely shoes, I have a few pairs of them myself. :D

Cheers m8, helps me get over my post purchase guilt lol.

They are superb, I have a pair of Grensons (I bought them not knowing they are made in India fgs) and they are def nicer and 'finer'.Tbh I was a bit miffed when I found out Grenson did that, I wanted my English shoes to be made with essence of Drake/bulldogs/morris dancers/Churchill and exuding quality lol, I feel the C&Js achieve that, though tbf the Grensons arent a bad pair of shoes either.
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