Images of items I have purchased.

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You don't need any reason to own one and can own as many as you like. You'll need a reference merely to confirm your identity (like for passports) and to state they don't see any reason for you not to own one. I got my boss at work to do it.

A safe is a good idea but again I don't think it's compulsory as long as the shotgun is 'secure'. I may be wrong I already had one to keep my £1000 air rifle in.

The local FO's visit is to physically check your security, and that the guns you have are the same as the ones on your certificate.

When I asked a few years back they said te safe is compulsory and you must not hand over the keys to someone without a license EVER that means that you should always open the front door if the safe key is on the same ring. I was also told the ammo has to be stored and sealed away seperate to the gun but that may of changed in the past few years
When I asked a few years back they said te safe is compulsory and you must not hand over the keys to someone without a license EVER that means that you should always open the front door if the safe key is on the same ring. I was also told the ammo has to be stored and sealed away seperate to the gun but that may of changed in the past few years

If it's for a shotgun and you only have one a gun clamp is sufficient as long as it's secured to an internal wall and reasonably well hidden, although it depends on where you live and how secure your house is.

Cartridges can be piled up in the corner, there is no storage requirement but use common sense.

Firearms certificate rules are much more stringent.
Its not as bad as my photo. if i was progressing my cert i would have denied it purely on my photo.

What kind of clays are you shooting at the club?

Not sure, I've literally only been twice; once for my birthday as a present, and loved it so much that I then went to a regular shoot run by a gun shop.

Since then I haven't been because a) I was waiting for my cert and b) I've been working. Really enjoy it though and now they do alternate Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings.
Not sure, I've literally only been twice; once for my birthday as a present, and loved it so much that I then went to a regular shoot run by a gun shop.

Since then I haven't been because a) I was waiting for my cert and b) I've been working. Really enjoy it though and now they do alternate Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings.

Where do you go?

Used to work on a clay pigeon range as a kid firing the disks and got treated to a few free shots, loved it.
Are they active or passives? Got a passive onkyo here along with my old ish reciever from richer sounds but at times feel like upgrading bits of it
Onkyo SKW208

Had one on order for three months and it came today, really hard to get at decent price, great subs, very happy with them.

How much did you pay if you don't mind saying?

I just had a look and they seem reasonably priced anyway. Having two subs will definitely fix my OCD of having the sub on one side and a gap on the other :p
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