Images of items I have purchased.

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Some new earphones



How are you finding them? I picked up a pair whilst i was over in China, I love them, and they still smell of chocolate!
Went to a private viewing of Truth & Memory: British Art of the First World and then around the Imperial War Museum...

I just bought a pair of them and am waiting for them to come, I heard they were punching above their price bracket quite considerably.

How are you finding them?

They sound pretty amazing and the presentation though not in English is as well amazing, especially since I only paid £16.16, well worth the money.

IMO, I as of late I tend to go for less bass oriented headphones as the bass in these bassy earphones tend to ruin the songs.

Sadly enough I bought some MDR EX110AP from Sainsburys couple days ago because I needed some headphones and only paid a fifteen quid for em down from £25 and these too sound pretty good again these aren't overwhelming with bass, so I don't know which ones to use.
New headset to replace my Plantronics Gamecom 780 which has driver issues with Windows 8.1.



They already seem much better than the 780s were and there is no chance of driver issues with these lol.
I know, what a bloody nightmare that is. Having bought this brushed aluminium look stuff before, I was very clear that we should get a different colour because they accumulate fingerprints so easy.

Oh, but obviously somebody else knows best. :p
And being a food browning device I better it doesn't work like every other food browning device. They annoy me more than any other device out there. It's like no one has sat down and thought to design them.
Surely you just pop the bread in rather than fingering the thing? :p

You share my thoughts. I should point out the fingering occurred during the installation phase (which I was not part of).

This toaster has been an ongoing drama for over a week now. I had to beg for it because apparently we could 'just use the grill'.
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