Images of items I have purchased.

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My first purchase from Qwertee

Bought some of this to see if hot chilli really is as hot as people make out.

Having destroyed my taste buds on the way in and my arse on the way out I can confirm that they most definitely ARE hot!! :eek:

So far I have only tried the Ghost Chilli and Butch T. The 7 Pot and Moruga scare me as they are almost twice as spicy again...


Really? Just one wipe with an old rag and it's back to normal :p Hardly something to "hate"!

Say, nice bike!

Weird, I've given over 3000 vinyl albums away since 1980 and you are collecting them :)
I've still got about 200 up the attic that haven't seen a deck since about 1990.

Tapes, CDs, minidiscs etc are considered worthless but many DJs and people that are into music still collect vinyl. Simply because the music can't be found on mp3. Look at how much some go for on Keep hold of the good uns and make sure you listen to them!
Tapes, CDs, minidiscs etc are considered worthless but many DJs and people that are into music still collect vinyl. Simply because the music can't be found on mp3. Look at how much some go for on Keep hold of the good uns and make sure you listen to them!

^^the truth :D
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