Images of items I have purchased.

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I just don't understand this statement what so ever, why do you want an inferior product? If somebody made a CD which had the impurities of a vinyl record would you still buy it? I must admit though owning a record collection does look cool.

A digital recording uses snapshots and does not capture all of the audio. The scientists say you cannot hear these missing parts but audiophiles say you can.

For me CD and digital audio sounds to clean.

It also depends a lot on how the master was recorded a lot of newer LP's are being produced from CD's and not using original analogue sources.
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A digital recording uses snapshots and does not capture all of the audio. The scientists say you cannot hear these missing parts but audiophiles say you can.

For me CD and digital audio sounds to clean.

Thanks for answering, I'm not having a go at vinyl listeners, I just don't personally see the appeal of them.
A digital recording uses snapshots and does not capture all of the audio. The scientists say you cannot hear these missing parts but audiophiles say you can.

For me CD and digital audio sounds to clean.
They're beyond human hearing so they're right, you can't hear it and anyone claiming to do so needs to submit themselves to audio engineers at the biggest sound research labs who have been searching for for such people for decades...

You can train your ears to hear tells from different bitrates/formats though and this is normal, the average person won't notice these in the same way they won't notice the rattles in their car until someone else is a passenger one day and points them out.

What you are hearing is the hiss and the crackles that gives an LP warmth and character. Digital music won't have those "imperfections".

As said though, it's subjective. With some music I like those imperfections (you can get those on digital music too but only on those mastered for this) while a clean track is preferred most other times. Totally depends on the music.
I'd rather there was no hiss or crackle to give warmth to the track, personally. At high volumes, it becomes incredibly irritating. Also, I notice that vinyls often change speed very slightly, briefly changing the pitch, which is annoying!!

Subjective indeed.
The odd and short side discussion is fine lads.

But the thread is centred around Pictures of items you have purchased, feel free to create another thread to discuss the merits of digital audio over analog.

cheers xx
Battery Tidy and Tester. Can either be placed in a drawer or wall mounted.

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