Aren't they just going to make you harder to see?
They may be smaller but like a lot of of aftermarket LED indicators, they'll probably be brighter.
Aren't they just going to make you harder to see?
Pillars of creation canvas print. Only £20 from someone on facebook and it turned out great. I'm thinking of getting some more from her.
They may be smaller but like a lot of of aftermarket LED indicators, they'll probably be brighter.
Oooh, that's a nicely shaped package:
Preparing for a pot shot....
Preparing for a pot shot....
Last set of E10s died after 3 years of use. Couldn't find any cheaper ones so got a set of JVC Extreme in ear ones which are too heavy on the bass, even when you mess around with the equalizers.
A day after I see E10s going for £19.99! So I had to buy them. Also been using my LG G2 for music but it's too big and scared I might break it in the gym so got this MP3 player. Used to have the Sandisk Fuze and Sansa Clip but they have been discontinued. The new Sandisk MP3 players are overpriced for what they are.
E10's are easily the best in ear headphones for the price and some even pricier, Used sennhiesers before i got mine and i don't know exactly why but the E10's are beautiful in every way.
Haven't seen the E50's might check them out. Still got my E10's but sadly the left ear bud is very quiet now. (Accidentally left them in my trousers when washing them) surprised they are working at all.
New H110 to replace my returned leaking Triton.