Images of items I have purchased.

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New bag (as seen in hit TV series 24) to replace my old identical one which I bought while I was at uni quite some years ago, Breaking Bad Blu-ray Boxset, Anker portable battery to keep my phone/tablet going during my trip to Canada this weekend and a new Ducti wallet.


I like that bag, what is it, please? I can't zoom in close enough to see. Think it's good to carry a 13" laptop around in without too much worry?
i just love the weight and feel of full metal :p

my m92 is 1.1kg :p

My one 1KG with the mag I think more heavy then the glock 17.

The plastic does feel very good on the m9a1 But the inner metal frame helps a lot with weight and you have metal sound when racking the slide as it's metal on metal inside unlike other tm pistols before.
That is lovely! Looks quite open though, do you get any privacy round the side or is that a private road? :)

It's a public footpath/track for right of access to our house, the paddock next door and back of kennels the other side.

We just get dog walkers walk by :). Its not all open as we have a huge garage.
I have thought about putting a high fence up, but certainly not a priority.



Guns are fun at a range. Guns are not cool to have on your or unsecured in your house.

A mate of mine back home has an AK-47, a Magnum of sorts and a 12 gauge. All stored in a safe ofc. (this is in Saffrica btw).

I've shot them all and I can see the appeal of guns. They have a place though, and that place is nowhere near people who aren't there for the hobby of it.
Mine will all be in a safe as well soon don't want the kids getting hold air guns.

And I used mine for target shooting at my firearms shooting range they have little air guns range as well.
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