Certainly different.
Can't put old style keys on it though
Certainly different.
Can't put old style keys on it though
New wallets arrived, very happy.
Or car key.
55 inch tv for my bedroom
Think you need some more malm's for all those clothes!
World Wide Arms are one of the biggest, as is D&B Militaria. Specialist Facebook selling groups are great too, as collectors often sell for lower prices than dealers. Otherwise, keep an eye on Gunstar, Milweb classifieds.
Do you know what you're interested in?
You keep your driving licence (with your address on it) along with your house key? Seems like a bad idea.
You're talking about Airsoft guns being used to fire metal BBs though; I think the most likely thing is an air rifle...things like the Daisy lever action springers and el cheapo Crosman. They're common as muck and throw out metal BBs fast enough to pierce through tinnies. You can pick them up for around a tenner at car boots (for the really, really plastic things).
You can have teams either side of multiple doors in those parts so being shot at 1-2m away is very common. Lots of strong abusive language once someone gets hit down those parts (not abusive to other players mind).
What you get when you play CQB.