Images of items I have purchased.

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Quite possibly true. Children can however be reflections of their parents in many respects!

We, as individuals, are the sum of our past experiences in the journey of life that has led us to this moment in time. Our upbringing, and the environment in which we dwell impresses upon our psyche to shape us into the person we are.

However I think you have missed my point - that said picture is a reflection of SDK' and not the young 'un. Yes, the person that said a bad precedent is being set it 100% true.

There's a verse in the bible that goes along the lines of "out of the countenance of the heart, the mouth speaks" - TLDR - a evil person will speak evil things in words and actions; whereas a loving person will demonstrate their nature accordingly.

And while I am not here to judge, it is obvious from SDK's picture that he covets wordly things. And in time, the young 'un will become a spoilt brat - never happy or content, always seeking more - a tragedy of capitalism.
Nothing wrong with buying your child material things and give him what you never had.

As long as one doesn't turn into ElliotJames...;)
No idea why I bought these, but I guess it'll test my patience!

My Dbrand skin turned up for my pebble time today :) Now i just need my new strap to show up (any day now..)
That the new Pebble Time Steel? Thought about getting one a few weeks ago but read reviews about the size of the bezel and the edge of the screen being black as well to fit everything in.
Feel your pain my friend I have U/C and it is quite literally a pain in the arse....!

I'm one of the lucky ones, I'm on a couple of the Facebook C&C groups and some people are very very unwell. Hopefully this will kick it into touch for another few years. This flare is my fault I stopped taking my Azathoprine which had my colon in check.
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