Images of items I have purchased.

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9 Jun 2009
London, McLaren or Radical
What does it say on the thing to the left and above the valves?


£33 a month for 5 users, or in this case.. just for me. :D

It's £6.60 per user and 5 or more users enables unlimited drive storage.

It's obviously a lot more money than Crashplan, but it's a hell of a lot faster and much more reliable. Plus my Synology will back straight up to it without any fuss.

Ahhh, that makes sense.

Yes - I much prefer google drive.
27 Dec 2011
You bought the game 3 times? :confused:

No, 4 times.
You'll note the 3 copies are sealed and I'm still playing it on the PS4! :D

  1. Pip-Boy edition which I intend to keep sealed.
  2. Soundtrack and history of Fallout book edition, which I wanted.
  3. One copy on its own which is now surplus to requirements, as I had that on order with a promotion at the time.
  4. And after all of that, I wanted it as a digital version as I know I'll never sell it, and it saves the faff of changing disks etc.
16 Dec 2010
No, 4 times.
You'll note the 3 copies are sealed and I'm still playing it on the PS4! :D

  1. Pip-Boy edition which I intend to keep sealed.
  2. Soundtrack and history of Fallout book edition, which I wanted.
  3. One copy on its own which is now surplus to requirements, as I had that on order with a promotion at the time.
  4. And after all of that, I wanted it as a digital version as I know I'll never sell it, and it saves the faff of changing disks etc.

I would say there's no need but then again I have

3 copies of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
8 copies of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
4 copies of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
2 or 3 copies i can understand. You buy the original and then mayvbe a digital copy and later a GOTY edition with all dlc or a special edition or remake with better graphics but yeah 3 max i think is the most I have ever done.
30 Jun 2009
Surrey, England
No, 4 times.
You'll note the 3 copies are sealed and I'm still playing it on the PS4! :D

  1. Pip-Boy edition which I intend to keep sealed.

Please tell me your not keeping the pipboy in its box to sell at a later date :(

Unless its super rare (which this isn't) then it will lose value and not gain it after a year.

Mines still waiting for me at the collection office :( the space for it feels empty atm :(

27 Dec 2011
^^you must love fallout!!

It's alright, I s'pose :p

I don't "fanboy" over much, but I have always been a gamer and in the last 10 years or so, no game has been released that got me hooked as much as Fallout 3. Needless to say, I am allowed to get excited over this :D

I think you need help.... :)

That I am certain of, but it has very little to do with buying 4 copies of Fallout. That's down the bottom of the list :)

Please tell me your not keeping the pipboy in its box to sell at a later date :(

Unless its super rare (which this isn't) then it will lose value and not gain it after a year.

I initially pre-ordered it simply because I genuinely wanted it, then last night I watched one on eBay go for £180.00 and since then I've figured that an extra £80 could go towards other, better things...

...Like another two copies of Fallout 4.

I appreciate that a lot of people think I'm breaking the gamer "code" by profiteering from it but if people are stupid enough to a) not pre-order it in time and b) pay over the odds, I don't see that much of a problem with it.
27 Dec 2011
Having never played Fallout 1 to 3, am I missing out on something here?

Fallout 1 & 2 are vastly different games to 3, New Vegas and 4. I've not played the former.

Do you know of the Elder Scrolls games? E.g. Skyrim, Oblivion? If so, imagine that game but in a post apocalyptic world, and I hate to say it, but with guns.

Hugely addictive, hugely fun, normally excellent writing and playability. You either love it or hate it, I find. It's a shooter RPG, really.
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