Images of items I have purchased.

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Apparently FLAC will play on android, or is that not going to play as well still

I paid £100 for a 32mb mp3 player and it worked off DRAM and the batteries were AA and tended to fall out... and yea :( (was 16 years ago )

Flac will play on iPhone but get a decent DAC like the oppo ha2 connected and lossless audio files sound jaw droppingly good.



I also use the ha2 for my PC for gaming aswell and it blows chunks over soundcards that most of you dude use...:D
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I just don't understand it, and I'm a staunch audiophile myself. Standard (that is, not apple buds, but a bit more expensive) earbuds do the job just fine when not in the house. Hell, I use wireless buds as it's convenient!

I guess I just have other things to concern myself over when not in the house, over pristine quality. :p
3:20am with a combination of The Flu and Insomnia... What do you do!?

Me??? I install the latest 'subscription' release of AutoDesk Product Design Suite!

I just don't understand it, and I'm a staunch audiophile myself. Standard (that is, not apple buds, but a bit more expensive) earbuds do the job just fine when not in the house. Hell, I use wireless buds as it's convenient!

I guess I just have other things to concern myself over when not in the house, over pristine quality. :p

The only way I can explain it is that I got into listening to music around 1970 on a mono record deck. I then went through the various paths with a vinyl collection of over 3000 albums. Cassette, CD and MP3 followed with various players and headphones.
Earlier this year I bought my first DAC and expensive Fidue A83 earphones and I am now 'experiencing' music. For the first couple of days I had tears rolling down my cheeks because I'd never experienced music like that before.
Yesterday I passed my earphones to my guitarist, asked him what he wanted to hear and his eyes opened wide with a big smile on his face - he wasn't impressed with how much he would have to pay though.

Also the bit about you having interference if you're on the move, not for me, I've even been running with them and it's like I've got Slayer following me around.
I usually go running with my phone and cheap earphones but this is a different class.
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Also splattered tea all over the larger Perixx mouse surface so ended up ordering the slightly smaller in depth but equal in length DX-2000 model. Bonus with this one is the edges are stitched so no fraying/peeling over time.


I'm after a mouse surface and if you are happy with that it's good enough for me.

I like the look of the ones with stitched edges, but can't seem to find on in my preferred size (40x50cm). The Perixx one above only does 40x30cm.
trying some hydrophobic spray again, it's been a few year. loads more brands available. last time it worked amazingly but wore off after a couple of weeks. which for the price was pretty rubbish.

I'm after a mouse surface and if you are happy with that it's good enough for me.


I like the look of the ones with stitched edges, but can't seem to find on in my preferred size (40x50cm). The Perixx one above only does 40x30cm.

Too early to tell how good it is as it's not even been 24hrs, but so far so good I'd say. It's 30cm depth not 50 which I'm getting used to still as it was nice having the extra depth on the previous one, but this has stitched edges whereas large ones do not...

Swings and roundabouts.
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