Images of items I have purchased.

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Now an afternoon delivery...


That is it for now. :D

Went to a posh dinner a couple of months back and Rick Wakeman was on the next table.
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before buying a power bank, find youtube reviews that test capacity.
Chinese stuff especially no name brands, simply lie outright about storage.

Not to mention some of it is outright dangerous. bigclivedotcom on youtube reviews some hilariously dodgy electronics.
Looking at the Ikea pic, it looks like it's got ears on the side to hold speakers but Easyrider's doesn't show them. Do you get them or not, and if so, are they big enough to hold these.

I have another one in my my studio...The gaming PC has the shelves turned inward...In my studio I have Adam AX5 on the shelves on the outside
I really enjoy his channel, he reviews some interesting things and explains the technical side really well without talking down to the audience.

This one made me laugh:

I had that exact travel adaptor, which broke and tripped my downstairs power.

Got a Skross world travel usb adaptor now, hopefully it does the job.
Sony Xperia Z5 Dual in green. Still looking for a case hence the plastic wrapping. Only got it yesterday though and cases are hard to find here in HK!


Red Filter for GoPro!

I have both the Black Mesa and the Aperture Science mugs somewhere. I should dig them out and proudly slurp tea from them while reading the latest HL3 rumours.
I tried looking at kitchen tabletops but I always found the depth was lacking. 60cm doesn't seem much. How do you do it? :p
High five to a fellow Free fan. Classic album.

I've given all the albums away and got lossless Flacs instead :D
I really don't understand this love of vinyl because I've given over 3000 away because they're pointless nowadays.
I was at my mates last week and he had to keep getting up and changing albums to play one track, I did that up until the late 90s because I HAD TO DO IT.
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