Images of items I have purchased.

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How did you manage to transport Imperial Walkers?

Some road closures, working with the national grid and BT to raise wires, and careful planning to avoid low bridges at a guess. I just hope he didn't use Jarrett, although given the shot you probably wouldn't notice if the back leg of one was held on by duct tape.

/must stop watching reality TV shows mega movers and shipping wars.
I've been told that is the fashion nowadays for taking photos.

Well, it is better than the Instagram fad that took off a year or two ago with the heavy 70s saturated purply tinge if you know what I mean.

Funny though, you're seeing it more and more in games. Which can look very nice as well.

Actually that isn't why since wide aperture photos have been taken since the early 1900s, but this debate has been going on every buying stuff thread so no point digging it up again as it's insufferable :p

Who starts these trends? Yet I don't get it as they portray it like it is new.

some people just dont understand the concept of depth of field..

The photos previously posted with it is done nice and depends what it is. Unlike some others that go nuts with it. So bad that even part of the main subject outline or there about is blurred.

Some road closures, working with the national grid and BT to raise wires, and careful planning to avoid low bridges at a guess. I just hope he didn't use Jarrett, although given the shot you probably wouldn't notice if the back leg of one was held on by duct tape.

/must stop watching reality TV shows mega movers and shipping wars.

Explains all the endless roadworks. :p :D
Treated myself from Aldi.

Got big cutting wood job coming up.


Motor is a bit noisy though -but it was cheap.
You guys are way over thinking it.

I placed it all on the table, took a photo of it...because of at 1.4 and already at 800 ISO and hand held camera over my head at 50mm lens I was like..hmmmm this is difficult to get composition and focus right without looking through the viewfinder as I was letting the camera auto focus and how do I show the model of Dyson that i got in 1 single shot?

I know! So I pushed box into corner, moved focus point into corner and bam.

You know what I bought. Job done, it says there right on the box. And you can make out what I bought, and it's not like a Dyson is something that exotic and rare.

I also at least opened the box, some people just take photos of the box unopened and nobody start a back and forth debate about "we don't have X-ray vision".

F1.4 already at 800 ISO... do you live in a unlit cave ? :D
Still to come:

  • Alienwarw 17 R3 Laptop: i7 6820k, 32GB DDR4, 980m, 1TB PCIE-SSD and 1TB HDD with 4k Screen and Intel Wireless Card.
  • LG U34C88
  • Alienware Amplifier
  • Led Strips
  • Cable Tidies
  • Laptop Cooler for Alienware
  • Alienware Rucksack
  • Nvidia 1080 on release for my Amplifier.
First new toys arrived:


Not bad for just over ~£1760
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bought the wife a new car, (the Kuga) those from motors will know that this is replacing what is probably the worst car ever made in the history of cars, a ford Ecosport.

took a serious bath on the ecoshed but just glad to have the god awful spiteful little bucket away.

(for those that missed my previous post the Mondeo arrived last month).

Kuga is a boggo family school run wagon which thanks to sharing a lot of components with the Mondy will be an excellent source of parts on a Saturday afternoon when dealers and factors are shut and I need out for a taxi shift on a Saturday night :)
With an attitude like that you're forcing her to either never have a modern day wedding photographer or get someone who isn't worth their salt if they're allowing themselves to be pushed around.

Good luck...

I can't believe you are saying a 'Modern Day Wedding Photographer' has to take out of focus pictures :eek:
You just ask the photographer to keep all the photos in focus.
In 2 years time the fad will be over and they'll get back to normal photos.
allowing themselves to be pushed around.

glol at 'Doing the work the customer asks for' suddenly becoming 'allowing themselves to be pushed around' when its about 'pro' photography :D

'I paid you to paint my fence red but you've done it yellow?!'
'I'm an artist, I don't allow myself to be pushed around'
I can't believe you are saying a 'Modern Day Wedding Photographer' has to take out of focus pictures :eek:
You just ask the photographer to keep all the photos in focus.
In 2 years time the fad will be over and they'll get back to normal photos.

My photos are in focus. (What I want it to be, there is a difference)

In focus photos will never be a fad.

Photos with everything in focus has never been "in fashion". There is a style to them and if used properly, it can be good but they also can be restrictive due to the nature of depth of field.

You eyes don't see everything in focus and in movies or TV, at any given scene, not everything is in focus, not even the news. Otherwise you'll be able to see the dust on the front of the lens or all the particles flying through the air.

"Normal" photos are photos from your compact camera or these days, mobile phones due to tiny sensor and lens. There is no definition of "normal", there are however what you like. What you like differs to what I like and that is fine but don't mistaken it with "normal" and "fad".
I can't believe you are saying a 'Modern Day Wedding Photographer' has to take out of focus pictures :eek:
You just ask the photographer to keep all the photos in focus.
In 2 years time the fad will be over and they'll get back to normal photos.

This isn't how it works. Your definition of "normal" photos seems to be point camera at a direction, click the button. Rinse and repeat :p

As JanesyB has said, there's a time and a place for all kinds of shots. A picture of items purchased where there are multiple items etc may well show better to be fully in focus, which is all well and everything no arguments there, but portraiture is something completely different and unless it's a big group shot, then is usually always isolating the subject from the environment.

By saying "well the photographer must shoot the photos how we want them being shot" is a little absurd. Customers pick experts based on the style and quality of the work which they like, otherwise you are surely better off just saving £hundreds and hiring someone who will just work off a hymn sheet rather than use their own style which would otherwise be the entire reason that they're being hired, for "their" signature.

I'm standing by my stance on this, that your interpretation in this context is wrong and actually quite damaging! Any well established and self respecting wedding photographer would simply turn down a client if they turned around and said "you must shoot every photo with everything in focus".
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In focus photos will never be a fad.

Absolutely, where out of focus is a fad.

Any well established and self respecting wedding photographer would simply turn down a client if they turned around and said "you must shoot every photo with everything in focus".

Well they used to.
I've seen many wedding albums in my long life and only recently have I seen this fad.

I'm going to shut up now because this type of photography annoys the hell out of me.
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