I agree, let's focus on the thread's subject matter.
I think we're trying to. It's just so blurry it's making it difficult.

I'm here all week folks!
I agree, let's focus on the thread's subject matter.
Absolutely, where out of focus is a fad.
I'm standing by my stance on this, that your interpretation in this context is wrong and actually quite damaging! Any well established and self respecting wedding photographer would simply turn down a client if they turned around and said "you must shoot every photo with everything in focus".
My photos are in focus. (What I want it to be, there is a difference)
In focus photos will never be a fad.
Photos with everything in focus has never been "in fashion". There is a style to them and if used properly, it can be good but they also can be restrictive due to the nature of depth of field.
You eyes don't see everything in focus and in movies or TV, at any given scene, not everything is in focus, not even the news. Otherwise you'll be able to see the dust on the front of the lens or all the particles flying through the air.
"Normal" photos are photos from your compact camera or these days, mobile phones due to tiny sensor and lens. There is no definition of "normal", there are however what you like. What you like differs to what I like and that is fine but don't mistaken it with "normal" and "fad".
The more expensive the camera the greater the depth-of-field quality/control/smoothness - there must be a correlation. http://www.hasselblad.com/us/inspiration/gallery/sample-images - here's some samples from a £30k Hasselblad camera for you to get angry at dm - you even have the lenses separately.
What would you do if a well-paying customer's one and only criterion was that all photos be entirely in focus?
Absolutely, where out of focus is a fad
What would you do if a well-paying customer's one and only criterion was that all photos be entirely in focus? Correct their misunderstanding and decline the money, or agree?
Or is it now easier to take out of focus shots than it is to take in focus shots? You're not an artist, you're a business person.
I'd say you can go to someone else, and I can recommend you to someone more suited to what you are looking for.
On a side note, why would you ask a sushi chef to cook you Italian when you can go to an Italian?
Same thing. A sushi chef might be able to pull off an Italian meal but it'll never be as good. You would be shooting yourself in the foot in the process for not getting the best work from the best person for the job.
Can we move on from the discussion of photographs and how we do/do not like them taken. This is a thread for items recently purchased and discussion of them not of the photography skills or otherwise of the poster. If you're that fussed on going over that old coconut perhaps start a new thread or even venture into the photography section. Cheers.
Still to come:
First new toys arrived:
- Alienwarw 17 R3 Laptop: i7 6820k, 32GB DDR4, 980m, 1TB PCIE-SSD and 1TB HDD with 4k Screen and Intel Wireless Card.
- LG U34C88
- Alienware Amplifier
- Led Strips
- Cable Tidies
- Laptop Cooler for Alienware
- Alienware Rucksack
- Nvidia 1080 on release for my Amplifier.
Not bad for just over ~£1760
Where did you get the laptop stand please?
I'm 95% sure it's a Rain Design mStand
Edit: Now 100% sure. Nailed it![]()
Looks like the Rain Design mStand for MacBook.