****Images of Items or Services Purchased in November 2012****

Got a slight damp problem so bought these to try out


Please could you update with how you get on with those?
Please could you update with how you get on with those?

It's only a very small issue, there seems to be some green stuff appearing around the skirting board. The windows get a lot of condensation too. Plus I dry my clothes in the same area too so it's really probably not helping haha
It's only a very small issue, there seems to be some green stuff appearing around the skirting board. The windows get a lot of condensation too. Plus I dry my clothes in the same area too so it's really probably not helping haha

Same issue here

Let me know how well they work and I might give them a shot.
I've got 2 of them moisture things. Had them both for about 1.5 months now. Nothing in them. Crap! :p
I pay for a lot of things and some might say that my purchases are sometimes pointless or a waste of money.


This is the one thing I truely resent purchasing! :mad:
^^^ me too, 12 months though.

I complained no end about my MOT, Service and tax then someone said why dont you pay 6 months then a year after the 6 months are up to spread it out?

I was not clever enough to work this out before they mentioned it to me and got a year grrrr

Use to play Counterstrike:Source competitively so I hope I don't get addicted again!!

Couldn't say no at £7.99.
I'm visiting a friend in Sweden. Super nervous about flying for the first time but I keep telling myself it'll be a good experience!!

Got myself a £60 voucher for Naked Wines with my rail tickets the other day, so treated myself to a £110 worth of red wines for a cool £50. Not bad for 12 bottles of plonk! :)

(In the process of moving out, so excuse the mess :o)


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