****Images of Items or Services Purchased in November 2012****

Been using this for the last 3 days, totally worth all the fuss and wait!


On the left was my Lumia 800, on the right is my new Lumia 920!
They were ordered online from The Asian Cookshop. I don't remember the exact amount but it's around £14 inc delivery for 30 packs. The prawn flavour is hard to get hold of in this area so I have to pay extra and get them online.

Thanks, I hadn't tried the prawn ones, but I was curious if bulk buying was worth it, and I can cane a lot of noodles anyway. While the cost isn't a factor I may use them to get some my local don't stock.

How many do you use on a day to day basis? And if so which?

Generally intrigued...

Surely most of them sit redundant?


The Nexus 10 (Galaxy Tab 10.1 replacement) and iPad get used daily.

The Windows 8 slate is now my laptop so gets used a few times a week.

The Nexus 7 is almost redundant now and will be moving on.
They actually sound surprisingly decent, someone I know has a pair. Obviously lacking in the low end but still good, just not £400 good.

It's the lows that i'm disapointed in, cant really be used as gaming speakers, thats for sure. Sure they are sound crisp and clear, but they shouldnt be priced so hight considering how the rest of the sound is so lacking.

Spend £200 on some B&W Bookshelf and then an Amp will blow that out of the water.

Whilst i agree, i just wanted something smart and compact. Maybe i was expecting too much from speakers so small.

Sadly it's rubber on the black bits not plastic as I was hoping and it's not a flat top which is what I wanted but for £1 I'll just order another one as it's for a little build project to get my phone on the hotshoe to act as a big screen for video :D

At the office.


Some of these goes for silly money in eBay, last I check the bottom left one was like £25.

Strange addiction is strange ¬_¬
Weird things to invest in.....


It's not an investment and I don't buy every new mug they bring out, only ones that I like. I just end up with a mini collection that's all lol most of them are worthless but that bottom left one is a 25th anniversary one with some wacky gold paint, on sale for a very short time.

They look very clean for office mugs. :D How many more do you have at home?

I use all my mugs :p so they are not for display, the great thing about Starbucks mug I found is that they don't stain...a quick scrub it all comes off, except the rough finish ones). I've had that red one since 2005 and the inside is the same colour as outside. The only one that stain if I don't clean it immediate are the 2 on the right, it wasn't applied with a smooth inside finish.

Edit - Actually I have a 7th one, its been lent out to someone at the office!
What's the point of these levels?

I know what they do but surely you can tell when look thought the viewfinder?

Plus, most tripods have these anyway, my new ball head has 2! Lol
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