****Images of Items or Services Purchased in November 2012****


Needed new HDD to plug in to the router, the time capsule seems to have the slowest write time, but hopefully new dark knight will help that too.
Great drive!. Got 2 of these about a year ago (back before the HDD price hike when they were dirt cheap). Since then taken one of them out of the caddy and put it my actual PC. Both still going strong with no problems so far.
Let's just say Raymond has too many 5D Mk3s :-P

When I was at the target range last month in the US, I fired various weapons, from 9mm to a 30cal and even though I have never fired a real gun before, I didn't miss the target once, even from 25 yards away with a 30cal assault rifle.

Just saying :p
When I was at the target range last month in the US, I fired various weapons, from 9mm to a 30cal and even though I have never fired a real gun before, I didn't miss the target once, even from 25 yards away with a 30cal assault rifle.

Just saying :p

Yeah? Well can you get a Mac10 in under 3 minutes? :p
Couple of beers, never seen these in the UK before. From what I understand, these were made by some competition winners and the Sierra Nevada brewers. I think that you have to make a Sierra Nevada related project (videos seem to be popular) and the 10 winners get invited to the brewery and make some beer.
These beers are pretty highly rated on Beeradvocate & Rate Beer so looking forward to trying them. Especially the IPA. The IPA is 5.9% and the Red Ale is 8.1%.


£3.80 a bottle though! :o
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