****Images of Items or Services Purchased in November 2012****

Makes sense, you didnt do half bad on the juicer. Especially if you were after one.

They have an SSD up, which will defo be a good deal, as they are priced competitively as it is.
I normally spend the morning journey on the train going through the list of things to come.

Then have a think, but seriously, DO NOT BUY because it is cheap, you end up wasting a lot of money.

i.e. I am not getting any cameras, there is no point as I got all the cameras i need lol

You could have course buy things to sell, but the best stuff are quite hard to get. oh, it helps too if you have a low ping net connection.
What i normally do is when these deal things come up is buy a couple, one for my self and one to sell, so works out double cheap.

For example today on ebay sunday spectacular, i bought 2 x Xbox 360 250GB with Forza 4 and Skyrim. For £120 each, which is very cheap as is.

Im going to sell one of the bundles for £175 easily, which nets me a £55 profit, take that off my own Xbox price, which brings me down to £65.

Then sell my copys of Forza 4 (£20ish) and Skyrim (£15), all ready own skyrim, dont like racing games.

Which brings my total down even further to £30 for a new Xbox 360 Slim 250gb console.
It's up to you, but it is hard enough to add 1 thing to basket for the good stuff, they are only there for like a SPLIT second.

I doubt you have time to get something like an X-box, check out and come back to buy it again. You can't add it to basket and then change amount to 2.
Your probably right. I managed to do it on ebay. Bought, checked out on one account, logged into 2nd account and again bought and checked out. Sold out in 6mins, so in theory plenty of time really.

Infact i got a 3rd one in stock on my brothers ebay account but by the time a typed in my paypal password had sold out. Deserved it anyway as was being greedy, at least someone who wanted one got it.

The PS3 deal and SSD deals are what im after.

And blackops if they put it up.
I doubt the PS3 and SSD deals will be around more than 3 seconds.


How does this process sound, for example 5 mins before the deals goes live.

Have the PS3 deal page open here - http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/...BRAWXN8TJ&pf_rd_i=350613011&pf_rd_p=344320267

Mouse over buy button

Wait for countdown

Click as soon as counter vanishes

I assume the lightning deal buy now icon will appear near the normal buy now icon, once it is time? and no need to refresh page.
i you do that wont you just add the item to your cart at normal prices?

Hence you don't click it on the item's own page, the item's own page will not show Black Friday Deals. All Black Friday Deals appear on the Black Friday Deals page.


say if you want he Samsung Galaxy, the ADD TO BASKET button will appear around where the count down clock is.

The clock will disappear and replaced by a button.

Hence a FAST internet connection with LOW ping will help.
awesome, get what you were saying now.

So scroll to what you want, and wait for countdown and click away. Check to see if the deal was worth it in your cart, and then decide to complete purchase.

So if you want two items, have two pages open, with both counters going. (ps3 and ssd)

Better remember to turn of utorrent and connect direct to router, instead of switch.
awesome, get what you were saying now.

So scroll to what you want, and wait for countdown and click away. Check to see if the deal was worth it in your cart, and then decide to complete purchase.

So if you want two items, have two pages open, with both counters going. (ps3 and ssd)

Better remember to turn of utorrent and connect direct to router, instead of switch.

There is a single page where they are ALL listed.

Each item has a time it gets put on sale.

Once item is added to basket (like all regular items), you have 15 mins to checkout or it goes back to the pool.

There is a countdown until they go on sale.

LOL, thought I was very clear 2 hours ago :p
This look like the RL shopping show. :p

Just ordered The World At War: The Ultimate Restored Edition on the Black Friday Deals.
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