Important documents delivered to some other flat... but no idea who

A minor update, the company who sent the documents has now opened a claim with Royal Mail, and RM also have the police following up with them. Somebody somewhere is going to get into trouble for this. It's literally pointless paying for a "tracked" package when the damn thing disappears into thin air.
A minor update, the company who sent the documents has now opened a claim with Royal Mail, and RM also have the police following up with them. Somebody somewhere is going to get into trouble for this. It's literally pointless paying for a "tracked" package when the damn thing disappears into thin air.
Hopefully it will turn up, rather than going down the complete ballache route of identity theft.
tracked always been a waste of time it's just for peace of mind and knowing if it got to the end point or not.

it's not like they are in a special bag with a GPS tag.

Special delivery is supposed to be different and collecting on it''s own and not mixed in with normal mail according to what I've read in the past, but it still comes with the normal mail anyway.
just less chance of it going missing in a depot I guess, and that's if it's even true
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