On the router's homepage if you click the Internet node in the map (topmost box in the middle map graphic), what does it show for the details on the right?
When it wasn't showing properly there, usually after saving or resetting the modem's properties when I made a configuration change, I would have to tell it to connect manually (there'd be a button to do so where mine now shows Pause) and I'd have duff details for gateway and dns, possibly just even though the line was up.
Without changing anything further, a disconnect and reconnect would usually be all I needed to do.
Also be wary of Windows dns caching, if you hit a web page before the dns is ready and it won't show anything, subsequent attempts to hit the web page after the connection does come up just fails.
To fix that, close all browser windows, bring up an (administrator) command prompt window and type: ipconfig /flushdns
Then you should be able to open browser windows and hit the web again.
Once again though, if you're still having troubles after that, best to post in the Networks forum where more focus can be given to your problem.