... facetardbook by nature?doofer by name......
... facetardbook by nature?doofer by name......
My body must be donated for the sexual pleasure of others
I love it when retards who've stolen cars and died heroically in a blaze of burning Subaru after crashing it into someones bungalow or chip shop get a facebook remembrance page, then it gets trolled hard.
I only count 4 in the OP
That does sound amusing. Is trolling the dead ok?
I meant on Google
I love it when retards who've stolen cars and died heroically in a blaze of burning Subaru after crashing it into someones bungalow or chip shop get a facebook remembrance page, then it gets trolled hard.
This is course after you have died.
What is Google? I haven't seen that forum yet. Is it in Motors?
So, we all die one day, but some of us will be destined to die in sad , bizarre, strange, epic, heroic ways and some even by farting too hard, but who else really doesn't want a Facetardbook Condolences page setting up about them?
I wonder if there's a way of Legally enforcing Facetardbook to NOT do it? I could eternally rest easy if I was able to set this into motion.
Yes, I have no friends and yes it's cool to hate Facetardbook, etc. etc....
Why would you even think about it OP?
I find the whole Online Social Networking thing quite banal and pointless, Facetardbook is however extremely intrusive in that you simply cannot get away from it even if you do not use it, I know many people who actively avoid it as much as they can, the BBC News site had a link to the Welsh Football fan who died at Wembley (The BBC likes to promote Facetardbook for some reason, even though their own Charter forbids it) and I just thought to myself 'What if that guy was a Facetardbook avoider? And how ****ed off would he be now if he was?'. Not to mention how cringe-worthy other Condolences pages I have seen there are, hardly respectful even though the people concerned are dead and obviously wouldn't care.